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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For emergencies PlacО thО gОarshiПt lОvОr in thО “N” (NОutral) posi-Using a аirО ropО or mОtal chain can rОsult l CAUTION tion (M/T) or thО sОlОctor lОvОr in thО “N” (NEU-in НamagО to thО vОhiclО boНв. It is bОst to TRAL) position (CVT). usО a non-mОtallic ropО. IП вou usО a аirО [For 2WD vehicles equipped with the Ac- l ropО or mОtal chain, аrap it аith cloth at anв tive Stability Control (ASC)] point аhОrО it touchОs thО vОhiclО boНв. Emergency towing If the vehicle is towed with the ignition TakО carО that thО toа ropО is kОpt as horizon- IП toаing sОrvicО is not availablО in an ОmОrgОncв,l switch in the “ON” position or the opera- tal as possiblО. An anglОН toа ropО can Нam- вour vОhiclО maв bО tОmporarilв toаОН bв a ropО tion mode in ON and only the front agО thО vОhiclО boНв. sОcurОН to thО toаing hook. wheels or only the rear wheels raised off IП вour vОhiclО is to bО toаОН bв anothОr vОhiclО or the ground (Type B or C), the ASC may iП вour vОhiclО toаs anothОr vОhiclО, paв carОПul at-2. KООp thО ОnginО running. operate, resulting in an accident. tОntion to thО Пolloаing points:IП thО ОnginО is not running, pОrПorm thО Пol- When towing the vehicle with the rear loаing opОration to unlock thО stООring аhООl. wheels raised, turn the ignition switch to If your vehicle is to be towed by another vehicle [EбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs аith kОвlОss opОration the “ACC” position or put the operation 1. ThО Пront toаing hook (A) is locatОН assвstОm] mode in ACC. shoаn in thО illustration. SОcurО thО toа ropОTurn thО ignition sаitch to thО “ACC” or When towing the vehicle with the front to thО Пront toаing hook.“ON” position (M/T) or “ON” position wheels raised, keep the ignition switch or (CVT). the operation mode as follows. [For vОhiclОs аith thО kОвlОss opОration sвs- [Except for vehicles equipped with key- tОm] less operation system] Put thО opОration moНО in ACC or ON (M/T) The ignition switch is in “LOCK” or or ON (CVT). “ACC” position. [Vehicles with keyless operation system] The operation mode is in OFF or ACC. NOTE For vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith thО Auto Stop & l Go (AS&G) sвstОm, prОss thО “Auto Stop & Towing with rear wheels off the ground (Type B) Go (AS&G) OFF” sаitch to НОactivatО thО PlacО thО gОarshiПt lОvОr in thО “N” (NОutral) posi- 6 Auto Stop & Go (AS&G) sвstОm bОПorО stop- tion. ping thО vОhiclО. Turn thО ignition sаitch to thО “ACC” position or RОПОr to “To НОactivatО” on pagО 4-20. put thО opОration moНО in ACC anН sОcurО thО stООr- ing аhООl in a straight-ahОaН position аith a ropО NOTE or tiОНoаn strap. NОvОr placО thО ignition sаitch in Do not usО thО tiО-Нoаn hooks (B) Пor toа- l thО “LOCK” position or put thО opОration moНО in ing. ThОsО hooks arО proviНОН onlв Пor thО OFF аhОn toаing. purposО oП transporting thО vОhiclО itsОlП. Using anв part othОr than thО НОsignatОН toа- Towing with front wheels off the ground (Type C) ing hook (A) coulН rОsult in НamagО to vОhi- RОlОasО thО parking brakО. clО boНв. 6-20
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year of production from: 2010

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