owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Driving your vehicle
Adjust your mirrors to reduce the glare If your tires are not in good condition,
from other driver's headlights. making a quick stop on wet pavement
Keep your headlights clean and prop- can cause a skid and possibly lead to
erly aimed on vehicles not equipped an accident. Be sure your tires are in
good shape.
with the automatic headlight aiming
feature. Dirty or improperly aimed Turn on your headlights to make it eas-
headlights will make it much more diffi- ier for others to see you.
cult to see at night. Driving too fast through large puddles
Avoid staring directly at the headlights can affect your brakes. If you must go
of oncoming vehicles. You could be through puddles, try to drive through
temporarily blinded, and it will take them slowly.
several seconds for your eyes to read- If you believe you may have gotten
just to the darkness. 1JBB3303 your brakes wet, apply them lightly
Driving in the rain while driving until normal braking oper-
ation returns.
Rain and wet roads can make driving
dangerous, especially if you’re not pre-
pared for the slick pavement. Here are a Driving in flooded areas
few things to consider when driving in theAvoid driving through flooded areas
rain: unless you are sure the water is no high-
A heavy rainfall will make it harder to
er than the bottom of the wheel hub.
see and will increase the distance
Drive through any water slowly. Allow
needed to stop your vehicle, so slow
adequate stopping distance because
down. brake performance may be affected.
Keep your windshield wiping equip-
After driving through water, dry the
ment in good shape. Replace your
brakes by gently applying them several
windshield wiper blades when they
times while the vehicle is moving slowly.
show signs of streaking or missing
areas on the windshield.
5 38

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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