owners manual Pontiac Sunfire
owners manual Pontiac Sunfire - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Pontiac Sunfire owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Pontiac Sunfire, year of production 1995 - 2005:
Cleaning the Outside of theCleaning the Outside of Your Vehicle
Windshield and Wiper BladesThe paint finish on your vehicle provides beauty, depth
If the windshield is not clear after using the windshieldof color, gloss retention and durability.
washer, or if the wiper blade chatters when running,Washing Your Vehicle
wax, sap or other material may be on the blade The best way to preserve your vehicle’s finish is to
or windshield. keep it clean by washing it often with lukewarm or
Clean the outside of the windshield with GMcold water.
Windshield Cleaner, Bon Ami Powder (non-scratching
glass cleaning powder), GM Part No. 1050011. TheDon’t wash your vehicle in the direct rays of the sun.
windshield is clean if beads do not form when you rinseUse a car washing soap. Don’t use strong soaps or
it with water. chemical detergents. Be sure to rinse the vehicle well,
Grime from the windshield will stick to the wiper bladesremoving all soap residue completely. You can get
and affect their performance. Clean the blade by wipingGM-approved cleaning products from your dealer. See
vigorously with a cloth soaked in full-strength windshield“Appearance Care and Materials” in the Index. Don’t
washer solvent. Then rinse the blade with water.use cleaning agents that are petroleum based, or that
Check the wiper blades and clean them as necessary;contain acid or abrasives. All cleaning agents should be
replace blades that look worn.flushed promptly and not allowed to dry on the surface,
or they could stain. Dry the finish with a soft, clean
Weatherstrips chamois or an all-cotton towel to avoid surface
Silicone grease on weatherstrips will make them lastscratches and water spotting.
longer, seal better, and not stick or squeak. ApplyHigh pressure car washes may cause water to enter
silicone grease with a clean cloth at least everyyour vehicle.
six months. During very cold, damp weather more
frequent application may be required. See
“Recommended Fluids and Lubricants” in the Index.
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year of production from: 1995
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Pontiac Sunfire owners manual
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