owners manual Mazda CX-5
owners manual Mazda CX-5 - year of production: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Mazda CX 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-5, year of production 2012 - 2017:
CX-5_8CA5-EA-11L_Edition3 Page296
Friday, June 22 2012 3:47 PM
Black plate (296,1)
Interior Features
NOTE Say: [Beep] “Go Back”
l TheBluetooth® Hands-Free system is
operable several seconds after the ignition Cancel
is switched to ACC or ON (requires less TheBluetooth® Hands-Free system
than 15 seconds). transitions to standby status if the
l Whenoperating the audio unit or the A/C following operation is performed while
while using Bluetooth® Hands-Free, the the system is activating.
beep sounds or voice guidance (audio unit)/ Say: [Beep] “Cancel”
cannot be heard. Display OFF/Display ON
Tutorial Theaudio unit display can be switched
Thetutorial explains how to use off/on by voice recognition operation.
Bluetooth® Hands-Free. Say: [Beep] “Display OFF” (or “Display
Toactivate the tutorial, do the following: ON”)
1. Press the talk button. Topreventadeterioration in the voice
2. Prompt: “Ready” recognition rate and voice quality, the
following points should be observed:
3. Say: [Beep] “Tutorial” l The Hands-free system cannot perform
4. Follow the prompts to receive the voice recognition while voice guidance
appropriate voice guidance or a beep sound is operating. Wait until
instructions. the voice guidance or the beep sound is
finished before saying your commands.
Commandsuseableanytimeduring l Dialects or different wording other than
voice recognition Hands-Free prompts cannot be
“Help” , “Go Back” , “Cancel” , “Display recognized by voice recognition. Speak
OFF/Display ON” are commands which in the wording specified by the voice
can be used at anytime during voice commands.
recognition. l It is not necessary to face the
Help function use microphone or approach it. Speak the
voice commands while maintaining a
Thehelp function informs the user of all safe driving position.
the available voice commands under the l Donotspeaktooslowortooloud.
current conditions. l Speak clearly, without pausing between
1. Say: [Beep] “Help” words or numbers.
l Close the windows and/or the
2. Follow the prompts to receive the moonroof to reduce loud noises from
appropriate voice guidance outside the vehicle, or turn down the
instructions. airflow of the air-conditioning system
while Bluetooth® Hands-Free is being
Returning to previous operation used.
This command is for returning to the l Makesure the vents are not directing
previous operation while in the voice air towards the microphone.
recognition mode.
Form No.8CA5-EA-11L

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year of production from: 2012

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