owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
Becareful not to damage the connector sup-
• Extended storage fuse switch ENGINECOMPARTMENT
port bracket when disconnecting the connec- To reduce battery drain, the extended storage fuse
tor. switchj3 comesfromthefactoryswitchedoff.Prior
If any electrical equipment does not operate, checkto delivery of your vehicle, the switch is pushed in
for an open fuse. (switched on) and should always remain on.
The fuse box is located in the lower part of the If any electrical equipment does not operate, re-
instrument panel at the driver’s side. move the extended storage fuse switch and check
The affected circuits j2 are shown on the inside offor an open fuse.
the fuse box lid. NOTE
1. Make sure the ignition switch and the headlightIf the extended storage fuse switch malfunctions
switch are in the “OFF” position. or if the fuse is open, it is not necessary to re-
2. Open the fuse box lid. place the switch. In this case, remove the ex-
3. Locate and remove the fuse with the fuse pullertended storage fuse switch and replace it with a
j1 (where fitted). newfuseofthesamerating.
NOTE Howtoremovetheextendedstoragefuse
The fuse puller is stored in the fuse box. 1. To remove the extended storage fuse switch, be
4. If the fuse is open jA , replace it with a new fusesure the ignition switch is in the “OFF” or LOCK
jB. position.
5. Close the fuse box lid. 2. Be sure the headlight switch is in the “OFF”
NOTE 3. Remove the fuse box cover. NDI1089
If the new fuse opens again, after installing, 4. Pinch the locking tabs found on each side of the
have the electrical system checked and re- extended storage fuse switch j3. CAUTION
paired by a NISSAN dealer or qualified work- Never use a fuse of higher or lower amperage
shop. 5. Pull the extended storage fuse switch straight rating than that specified on the fuse box cover.
out from the fuse box.
If any electrical equipment does not operate, check
for an open fuse.
8-26 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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