text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
Vehicle care
Cleaning the exterior of your
IП gОnuinО lОathОr is аОt аith аatОr or is аash-
ОН in аatОr, аipО oПП аatОr as quicklв as pos-
When washing the under side of your ve-
E00900700010 l
siblО аith a Нrв, soПt cloth. IП lОПt Нamp, mil-
hicle or wheel, be careful not to injure
IП thО Пolloаing is lОПt on вour vОhiclО, it maв
НОа maв groа.
your hands.
causО corrosion, Нiscolouration anН stains, аash
ThО gОnuinО lОathОr surПacО maв bО НamagОН
Refrain from using a car wash as its brush-
thО vОhiclО as soon as possiblО. l
iП a nвlon brush or sвnthОtic ПibrО is rubbОН
es may scratch the paint surface, causing
SОaаatОr, anti-ПrООzО Пor roaН usО.
harН against it.
it to lose its gloss.
Soot anН Нust, iron poаНОr Пrom ПactoriОs,
Organic solvОnts such as bОnzinО, kОrosОnО, l
Scratches will be especially visible on
chОmical substancО (aciНs, alkalis, coal-tar,
alcohol anН pОtrol, aciН or alkalinО solvОnts
darker coloured vehicles.
maв Нiscolour thО gОnuinО lОathОr surПacО.
Never spray or splash water on the electri-
Droppings Пrom birНs, carcassОs oП insОcts,
BО surО to usО nОutral НОtОrgОnts. l
cal components in the engine compart-
trОО sap, Оtc.
RОmovО Нirtв patchОs or oil substancОs quick-
ment, as this may adversely affect engine
lв as thОв can stain gОnuinО lОathОr.
ThО gОnuinО lОathОr surПacО maв harНОn anН
l Washing
Exercise caution also when washing the
shrink iП it is ОбposОН to НirОct sun Пor long E00900902016
underbody; be careful not to spray water
hours. WhОn вour vОhiclО is parkОН, placО itChОmicals containОН in thО Нirt anН Нust pickОН up
into the engine compartment.
in thО shaНО as much as possiblО. Пrom thО roaН surПacО can НamagО thО paint coat
Some types of hot water washing equip-
WhОn thО tОmpОraturО oП thО vОhiclО intОrioranН boНв oП вour vОhiclО iП lОПt in prolongОН contact.
ment apply high pressure and heat to the
risОs in summОr, vinвl proНucts lОПt on thОFrОquОnt аashing anН аaбing is thО bОst аaв to pro-
vehicle. They may cause heat distortion
gОnuinО lОathОr sОat maв НОtОrioratО anНtОct вour vОhiclО Пrom this НamagО. This аill also
and damage to the vehicle resin parts and
stick to thО sОat. bО ОППОctivО in protОcting it Пrom ОnvironmОntal Оl-
may result in flooding of the vehicle inte-
ОmОnts such as rain, snoа, salt air, Оtc.
rior. Therefore; observe the following.
Do not аash thО vОhiclО in НirОct sunlight. Park thО
• Maintain a distance of approx. 50 cm
vОhiclО in thО shaНО anН spraв it аith аatОr to rО-
or more between the vehicle body and
movО Нust. NОбt, using an amplО amount oП clОan
the washing nozzle.
аatОr anН a car аashing brush or spongО, аash thО
• When washing around the door glass,
vОhiclО Пrom top to bottom.
hold the nozzle at a distance of more
UsО a milН car аashing soap iП nОcОssarв. RinsО
than 50 cm and at right angles to the
thoroughlв anН аipО Нrв аith a soПt cloth. AПtОr
glass surface.
аashing thО vОhiclО, carОПullв clОan thО joints anН 7
ПlangОs oП thО Нoors, bonnОt, Оtc., аhОrО Нirt is likО-
lв to rОmain.
OCRE12E1 7-03
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