owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 2011 - Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 2011:
Flat tire291
XLift the trunk floor up. XMakesurethatthepassengersarenot
XRemovethecollapsible spare wheel endangered as they do so. Make sure that
(Y page 340). nooneisnearthedangerareawhilea
directly assisting in the wheel change
Flat tire should, for example, stand behind the bar-
Preparing the vehicle rier.
Your vehicle may be equipped with:fic conditions when doing so.
Rtires with run-flat characteristicsXClosethedriver's door.
(MOExtended tires) (Y page 291)
Vehicle preparation is not necessary onMOExtendedtires(tires with run-flat
vehicles with MOExtended tires properties)
VehiclesequippedwithMOExtendedtiresareGeneral notes
notequippedwithaTIREFITkitatthefactory.With MOExtended tires (tires with run flat
It is therefore recommended that you addi-characteristics), you can continue to drive
tionally equip your vehicle with a TIREFIT kit ifyour vehicle even if there is a total loss ofassistance
you mount tires that do not feature run-flatpressure in one or more tires. The affectedn
be obtained from a qualified specialist work-Youcanrecognize MOExtended tires by the
shop. MOExtendedmarkingwhichappearsonthe
Information on changing/mounting a wheelsidewall of the tire. You will find this markingBreakdow
(Y page 330). next to the tire size designation, the load-
XStopthevehicle on solid, non-slippery andbearing capacity and the speed index
level ground, as far away as possible fromYpage324).
traffic. MOExtendedtires may only be used in con-
XSwitchonthehazardwarninglamps. junction with an active tire pressure loss
XSecurethevehicle against rolling awaywarningsystemorwithanactivetirepressure
(Y page 160). monitor.
XIf possible, bring the front wheels into theIf a pressure loss warning message
straight-ahead position. appears in the multifunction display:
XSwitchoff the engine. Robservetheinstructionsinthedisplaymes-
XVehicleswithoutKEYLESS-GO:remove sages (Y page 234).
the SmartKey from the ignition lock.Rcheckthetire for damage.
XVehicleswithKEYLESS-GO:openthe Rif driving on, observe the following notes.
driver's door. Thedrivingdistancepossibleinrun-flatmode
The on-board electronics now have statusis approximately 50 miles (80 km) when the
0. This is the same as the SmartKey havingvehicle is partially laden and approximately
been removed. 18miles (30 km) when the vehicle is fully
Start/Stop button from the ignition lock
(Y page 140).
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