owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
fore, they should be balanced as re-road salt in areas where it is used
quired. during winter. of the TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare tire
Wheel balance service should be per- Spare tire (T-type spare tire — ifat 60 psi (420 kPa, 4.2 bar). Always
formed with the wheels off the vehicle. so equipped) keep the pressure of the full size spare
Spin balancing the driving wheels on the tire (if so equipped) at the recom-
When a spare tire is mounted (t-type ormended pressure for standard tires, as
vehiclecould lead to transmission indicated on the Tire and Loading Infor-
damage. conventional), the low tire pressure warn-
ing system will not function.mation label. For Tire and Loading In-
O For additional information regarding formation label location, see “Tire and
tires, refer to “Important Tire SafetyObserve the following precautions if theLoading Information label” in the index
T-type spare tire must be used, otherwise
Information” (US) or “Tire Safety In- of this manual.
your vehicle could be damaged or in-
formation” (Canada) in the INFINITI
Warranty Information Booklet.volved in an accident.O With the TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare
Care of wheels tire installed do not drive your vehicle
WARNING at speeds faster than 50 MPH (80
O Wash the wheels when washing the km/h).
vehicle to maintain their appearance.O TheT-typespare tire should be used forO When driving on roads covered with
O Clean the inner side of the wheelsemergency use. It should be replacedsnow or ice, the TEMPORARY USE ONLY
when the wheel is changed or the un-with the standard tire at the first op-spare tire should be used on the front
derside of the vehicle is washed.portunity to avoid possible tire or dif-wheels and original tire used on the
O Do not use abrasive cleaners whenferential damage. rear wheels (drive wheels). Use tire
washing the wheels. O Drive carefully while the TEMPORARYchains only on the two rear original
USE ONLY spare tire is installed. Avoidtires.
O Inspect wheel rims regularly for dentssharp turns and abrupt braking whileO Tire tread of the TEMPORARY USE ONLY
or corrosion. Such damage may causedriving.
loss of pressure or poor seal at the spare tire will wear at a faster rate than
tire bead. O Periodically check spare tire inflationthe standard tire. Replace the spare tire
O INFINITI recommends that the roadpressure. Always keep the pressureas soon as the tread wear indicators
wheels be waxed to protect against
8-40 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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