owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Safety features of your vehicle
The driver’s seat and steering wheel
Easy access function (if equipped)will move back to its original position Driver position memory system
To provide easier entry to or exit from reset
when a driver closes a driver’s door
the vehicle for a driver, the driver’s If the Driver position memory system
with a smart key in his pocket and
seat will be adjusted backwards as reset fails to work, initialize the sys-
the engine start/stop button is in OFF
far as the distance set by User
Setting on the Instrument Panel.Thisor in ACC. tem as follows.
How to initialize:
You can activate or deactivate this
occurs when the driver’s door is 1. Stop the car and open the driver’s
feature. Refer to “User settings” in
opened and the Engine start/stop door with the Engine start/stop
button is Off with the shift lever in thechapter 4.button in ON and the automatic
P position. If, however, the distance shift lever in P (parking) position.
between the front seat and back
seats are too close, the driver’s seat 2. Pull the driver’s seat forward as far
could fail to adjust itself backwards. as possible and have the seatback
The steering wheel moves to the top. upright as much as possible using
With the steering wheel moving as far driver’s seat forward adjustment
as top and as far as forward to a driv- and seatback angle (recline)
er on a regular basis steering wheel movement switches.
identifies and adjusts its location by 3. Push SET button and seat fore
itself. movement switch button for 2 sec-
onds simultaneously.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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