owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
● Besuretheseatbelttongueissecurely● Once a seat belt pretensioner has acti-PREGNANTWOMEN
fastened to the proper buckle.vated, it cannot be reused and must beNISSANrecommendsthatpregnantwomenuse
● Do not wear the seat belt inside out orreplaced together with the retractor.seatbelts.Theseatbeltshouldbewornsnugand
twisted. Doing so may reduce itsSeeyourNISSANdealer. always position the lap belt as low as possible
effectiveness. ● Removal and installation of preten-aroundthehips,notthewaist.Placetheshoulder
● Do not allow more than one person tosioner system components should bebelt over your shoulder and across your chest.
use the same seat belt. donebyaNISSANdealer. Never run the lap/shoulder belt over your ab-
● Never carry more people in the vehicle● All seat belt assemblies, including re-dominal area. Contact your doctor for specific
than there are seat belts. tractorsandattachinghardware,shouldrecommendations.
be inspected after any collision by aINJUREDPERSONS
● If the seat belt warning light glows con-NISSAN dealer. NISSAN recommends
tinuously while the ignition is turnedthat all seat belt assemblies in use dur-NISSAN recommends that injured persons use
ON with all doors closed and all seating a collision be replaced unless theseat belts. Check with your doctor for specific
belts fastened, it may indicate a mal-collision was minor and the belts showrecommendations.
functioninthesystem.Havethesystemno damage and continue to operate
checked by a NISSAN dealer. properly. Seat belt assemblies not inTHREE-POINTTYPESEATBELT
● Nochangesshouldbemadetotheseatuse during a collision should also beWITHRETRACTOR
beltsystem.Forexample,donotmodifyinspected and replaced if either dam-
the seat belt, add material, or installageorimproperoperation is noted.WARNING
devices that may change the seat belt● All child restraints and attaching hard-● Every person who drives or rides in this
routing or tension. Doing so may affectwareshouldbeinspectedafteranycol-vehicle should use a seat belt at all
the operation of the seat belt system.lision.Always follow the restrainttimes.
Modifying or tampering with the seatmanufacturer’s inspection instructions
belt system may result in serious per-and replacement recommendations.
sonal injury. The child restraints should be replaced
if they are damaged.
1-12 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2013

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