owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
1-2 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
Front seats Ifthe front seatbacks are not
used in the upright position in a
collision, the risk of sliding under
WARNING the lap belt and of the lap belt
sliding up over the abdomen will
. Never adjust the seat while driv-increase, and both can result in
ing to avoid losing control of theserious internal injury or death.
vehicle which can result in per-. The SRS airbags deploy with
sonal injury. considerable speed and force.
. Before adjusting the seat, makeOccupants who are out of proper
sure the hands and feet of rearposition when the SRS airbag
seat passengers and cargo aredeployscouldsufferveryserious
clear of the adjusting mechan-injuries. Because the SRS airbag
ism. needs enough space for deploy-
. After adjusting the seat, push itment, the driver should alwaysWARNING
slightly to make sure it is se-sit upright and well back in thePut children aged 12 and under in
curely locked. If the seat is notseat as far from the steeringthe rear seat properly restrained at
securely locked, it may move orwheel as practical while still all times. The SRS airbag deploys
the seatbelt may not operatemaintaining full vehicle controlwith considerable speed and force
properly. and the front passenger shouldand can injure or even kill children,
. Donotputobjectsunderthefrontmove the seat as far back asespecially if they are 12 years of age
seats. They may interfere withpossible and sit upright and welland under and are not restrained or
front seat locking and cause anback in the seat. improperly restrained. Because chil-
accident. dren are lighter and weaker than
. Seatbelts provide maximum re- adults, their risk of being injured
straint when the occupant sits from deployment is greater. For that
well back and upright in the seat. reason, we strongly recommend
To reduce the risk of sliding that ALL children (including those
under the seatbelt in a collision, in child seats and those that have
the front seatbacks should be outgrown child restraint devices) sit
always used in the upright posi- in the REAR seat properly re-
tion while the vehicle is running. strained at all times in a child

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year of production from: 2012

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