owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Honda CR V owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 1995 - 2001:
Alcohol and Drugs
Driving a car requires your full atThe safest thing you can do is neverIf you have no choice but to drive,
tention and alertness. Traffic condidrink and drive. This can be done ifstop drinking and give yourself lots
tions change rapidly. You must beyou plan ahead. If you know you areof time to sober up. Time is the only
able to react just as rapidly. Alcoholgoing to be drinking, make plans tothing that can make you sober.
or drugs directly affect your alert ride with a friend who will not beThings like coffee or a cold shower
ness and ability to react. Even predrinking. don't speed up the process.
scription and nonprescription medi
cines can have this effect. What if you find that you've beenIf you see friends trying to get
drinking and cannot get a ride from abehind the wheel after drinking, stop
There are laws that deal with friend? Find alternative transporthem. Drive them yourself or
drunken driving. These laws definetation. Call a taxi. Take a bus. Manyarrange other transportation. If you
how much alcohol it takes in yourcommunities have transportationthink you are interfering, remember
system to be legally "drunk." Howservices devoted to shuttling peoplethat your interference will keep them
ever, your judgment and reactionwho have been drinking. from sharing the road with you.
time get worse with every drink —
even the first one.
Driver and Passenger Safety
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year of production from: 1995
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Honda CR V owners manual
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