owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
Voice Control navigation
tNumber one accepted “Points of interest” uThe system displays a numbered
tDo you want to start route guid-Use the command “Points of interest” to list search categories: Find menu
ance? select a point of interest (POI) such as air-tPlease select a line number
sYes ports, railroad stations, gas stations etc.sNumber one
tStarting route guidance Sample dialog: uThe system displays a numbered
The system calculates the route and, upon sPoints of interest list of airports sorted by distance
completing route calculation, starts route uThe system shows the following list tPlease select a line number
guidance. on the COMAND display: sNumber one
iYou may not need to spell the entire name current positiontPoint of interest accepted
(street, intersection, city or point of interest) es-
pecially if the name is lengthy. Spelling the first other town/citytDo you want to start route guid-
three to five characters of the name should be Global POI ance?
sufficient for the system to recognize the name sYes
provided it is available on the navigation DVD.tPlease select a line number
iThe selection appearing on the COMAND sNumber one tStarting route guidance
display is sorted based on your recognized voice uThe system displays a numbered iDepending on the number of categories and
input and a matching algorithm. POI’s available for a given area, the system may
You can use the commands “Continue” or list of available POI categories: display several lists on each of which you may
“Back” to scroll up or down in the list.Select POI category menuhave to make a selection by speaking the desired
Use the command “Correction” to start over by tPlease select a line numberline number or you have to spell the name of a
again spelling the name. POI.
sNumber one
Speak each character as clearly as you can, es-
pecially when they sound very similar (d or e).

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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