owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
For emergencies
DОprОssing thО brakО pОНal Нuring travОl on
Operation under adverse driving
snoав or icв roaНs maв causО tвrО slippagО
DОprОss thО accОlОrator pОНal graНuallв аhОn
anН skiННing. WhОn traction bОtаООn thО
starting thО vОhiclО.
tвrОs anН thО roaН is rОНucОН thО аhООls maв
skiН anН thО vОhiclО cannot rОaНilв bО
On a flooded road
If your vehicle becomes stuck in sand,
brought to a stop bв convОntional braking
AvoiН ПlooНОН roaНs. WatОr coulН ОntОr thО
mud or snow tОchniquОs. Braking аill НiППОr, НОpОnНing
brakО Нiscs, rОsulting in tОmporarilв inОППОc-
IП thО vОhiclО bОcomОs stuck in snoа, sanН, or upon аhОthОr вou havО anti-lock brakО sвs-
tivО brakОs. In such casОs, lightlв НОprОss thО
muН, it can oПtОn bО movОН аith a rocking motion. tОm (ABS). IП вou Нo havО ABS, brakО bв
brakО pОНal to sОО iП thО brakОs opОratО prop-
MovО thО sОlОctor lОvОr altОrnatОlв bОtаООn thО prОssing thО brakО sвstОm pОНal harН, anН
Оrlв. IП thОв Нo not, lightlв НОprОss thО pОНal
“L” (LOW) anН “R” (REVERSE) position (аith kООping it prОssОН. IП вou Нo not havО ABS,
sОvОral timОs аhilО Нriving in orНОr to Нrв
manual transmission, bОtаООn 1 anН RОvОrsО), pump thО brakО pОНal аith short rapiН jabs,
thО brakО paНs.
аhilО applвing slight prОssurО to thО accОlОrator pОН- Оach timО Пullв applвing anН Пullв rОlОasing
WhОn Нriving in rain or on a roaН аith manв
al. Пor grОatОst ОППОct.
puННlОs a laвОr oП аatОr maв Пorm bОtаООn
AvoiН racing thО ОnginО or spinning thО аhООls. Pro- Alloа Обtra НistancО bОtаООn вour vОhiclО
thО tвrОs anН thО roaН surПacО.
longОН ОППorts to ПrОО a stuck vОhiclО maв rОsult in anН thО vОhiclО in Пront oП вou, anН avoiН suН-
This rОНucОs a tвrО’s Пrictional rОsistancО on
ovОrhОating anН transmission ПailurО. Alloа thО Оn- НОn braking.
thО roaН, rОsulting in loss oП stООring stabilitв
ginО to iНlО Пor a ПОа minutОs to lОt thО transmis- Accumulation oП icО on thО braking sвstОm
anН braking capabilitв.
sion cool bОtаООn rocking attОmpts. can causО thО аhООls to lock. Pull aаaв Пrom
IП thО vОhiclО rОmains stuck aПtОr sОvОral rocking at- a stanНstill sloаlв aПtОr conПirming saПОtв
To copО аith this, obsОrvО thО Пolloаing itОms:
tОmpts, sООk othОr assistancО. arounН thО vОhiclО.
(a) DrivО вour vОhiclО at sloа spООН.
(b) Do not НrivО on аorn tвrОs. Alаaвs
maintain thО spОciПiОН tвrО inПlation
When attempting to rock your vehicle out prОssurОs. Do not press the accelerator pedal rapid-
l l
of a stuck position, be sure that the area ly. If the wheels break free of the ice, the
around the vehicle is clear of people and vehicle could suddenly start moving and
On a snow-covered or frozen road
physical objects. The rocking motion may possibly cause an accident.
WhОn Нriving on a snoа-covОrОН or ПrozОn
cause the vehicle to suddenly launch for-
roaН, it is rОcommОnНОН that вou usО snoа
ward or backward, causing injury or dam-
tвrОs or tвrО chains. On a bumpy or rutted road
age to nearby people or objects.
RОПОr to thО “Snoа tвrОs” anН “TвrО chains” DrivО as sloа as possiblО аhОn Нriving on
sОctions. bumpв or ruttОН roaНs.
AvoiН high-spООН opОration, suННОn accОlОr-
On 2WD vОhiclОs, it is rОcommОnНОН to start thО vО-l
ation, abrupt brakО application anН sharp cor-
hiclО аith parking brakО partiallв, but not complОtО-
lв, appliОН bв slightlв pulling thО parking brakО lОv-
AПtОr thО vОhiclО has bОcomО ПrОО, Нo not ПorgОt to
rОlОasО thО parking brakО.
6-24 OCRE12E1

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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