owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban IX 9 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Battery Replacement To use the auxiliary inputs on the RSE system, connect
To change the batteries, do the following:an external auxiliary device to the color-coded RCA
jacks and turn both the auxiliary device and the
1. Loosen the screw on the battery compartment doorRSEsystem power on. If the RSE system had been
located on the left side of the headphone earpiece.previously in the DVD player mode, pressing the SRCE
2. Replace the two AAA batteries in the compartment.button on the faceplate or the remote control will
Make sure that they are installed correctly, usingswitch the RSE system between the auxiliary device
the diagram on the inside of the batteryand the DVD player.
compartment. HowtoChangethe Video Format when in
3. Tighten the screw to close the compartment door.the Auxiliary Mode
If the headphones are to be stored for a long periodThe auxiliary input video format is preset to NTSC. In
of time, remove the batteries and keep them in a cool,some countries, the video format may be in PAL system.
dry place. To change the video format, perform the following:
Stereo RCA Jacks 1. Press the display menu button.
The RCA jacks are located behind the video screen.2. Press the down arrow button to highlight the Video
The RCA jacks allow audio and video signals toFormat option.
be connected from an auxiliary device such as a3. Press the enter button to select Video Format.
camcorder or a video game unit to the RSE system.4. Press the right or left arrow button to select
Standard RCA cables, not included, are neededthe desired video format.
to connect the auxiliary device to the RCA jacks. The5. Press the enter button to accept the change.
yellow connector inputs video and the red and white
connectors input right and left audio. Refer to the
manufacturer’s instructions for proper connection of the
auxiliary device.
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year of production from: 2000
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