owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (40,1)
9-40 Driving and Operating
Fuel Additives For customers who do not use TOPNotice: This vehicle was not
To provide cleaner air, all gasolinesTIER Detergent Gasoline regularly,designed for fuel that contains
in the United States are nowone bottle of GM Fuel Systemmethanol. Do not use fuel
required to contain additives thatTreatment PLUS, added to the fuelcontaining methanol. It can
help prevent engine and fuel systemtank at every engine oil change,corrode metal parts in the fuel
deposits from forming, allowing thecan help clean deposits from fuelsystemandalsodamageplastic
emission control system to workinjectors and intake valves. GM Fuel and rubber parts. That damage
properly. In most cases, nothingSystem Treatment PLUS is the onlywould not be covered under the
should have to be added to the fuel.gasoline additive recommended byvehicle warranty.
However, some gasolines containGeneral Motors. It is available atSomegasolines that are
only the minimum amount ofyour dealer. not reformulated for low
additive required to meet U.S.Gasolines containing oxygenates,emissions can contain an
Environmental Protection Agencysuch as ethers and ethanol, andoctane-enhancing additive called
regulations. To help keep fuelreformulated gasolines might bemethylcyclopentadienyl manganese
injectors and intake valves cleanavailable in your area. Wetricarbonyl (MMT); ask the attendant
and avoid problems due to dirtyrecommendthat you use thesewhere you buy gasoline whether the
injectors or valves, look for gasolinegasolines, if they comply with thefuel contains MMT. We recommend
that is advertised as TOP TIERspecifications described earlier.against the use of such gasolines.
Detergent Gasoline. Look for theHowever, E85 (85% ethanol) andFuels containing MMTcan reduce
TOPTIERlabelonthefuel pumptoother fuels containing more thanspark plug life and affect emission
ensure gasoline meets enhanced15%ethanol must not be used incontrol system performance. The
detergency standards developed by vehicles that were not designed formalfunction indicator lamp might
the auto companies. A list ofthose fuels.turn on. If this occurs, return to your
marketers providing TOP TIER dealer for service.
Detergent Gasoline can be found at

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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