owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Driving your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE Driving up or down hillsEmergency precautions
• Driving uphill
• When using Snow Tires, mount Tires
them on all four wheels. - Before starting off, check if it is
• When using Tire Chains, install
them on all four tires. However, if possible to drive uphill.WARNING
- Drive as straight as possible.Do not use tire and wheel with
you are in a situation to use only different size and type from the
two tire chains, install them on the• Driving downhill one originally installed on your
- Do not change gear while driving
rear tires. In this case, drive a
downhill. Select gear before driv-vehicle. It can affect the safety
short distance to prevent damage and performance of your vehi-
to the AWD system. ing downhill. cle,which could lead to steering
• If tire chains must be used, use
- Drive as slowly using engine
AutoSock (fabric snow chain) and braking while driving downhill.failure or rollover causing seri-
install the tire chain after review- ous injury.
- Drive straight as possible.
ing the instructions provided with
the tire chains. When replacing the tires, be sure to
Formore information on Snow TiresWARNING equip all four tires with the tire and
and Tire Chains, refer to "Winter
Exercise extreme caution driv-
Driving" in this chapter. wheel of the same size, type, tread,
ing up or down steep hills.The
brand and load-carrying capacity.
vehicle may flip depending on
In case of emergency such as tire
the grade, terrain and water/
mud conditions. puncture, repair it using TMK (Tire
Mobility Kit) for temporary use.
Afterwards, have the tire be inspect-
ed by an authorized Kia dealer/serv-
ice partner.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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