text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
Multimedia System
SiriusXM® Satellite Radio Satellite Radio reception fac-SiriusXM Satellite Radio serv-
information tors: ice:
To receive the satellite signal, ySiriusXM is a subscrour iption-based
Satellite Radio channels: vehicle has been equipped with asatellite radio service that broad-
satellite radio antenna located on thecasts music, sports, news and enter-
Enjoy SiriusXM Satellite Radio with aroof of your vehicle. The vehicle roof tainment programming to radio
3-month trial subscription to the
provides the best location freceivers, which are aor anvailable for
Sirius Select package.You’ll get overunobstructed, open view of the sky, ainstallation in motor vehicles or facto-
140 channels, including commercial-requirement of a satellite rradio sys-y installed, as well as for the home,
free music, plus all your favorite
tem. Like AM/FM, there are seportabvle and wireless deeralvices, and
sports, exclusive talk, entertainment,factors that can affect satellite rthrough an Interadionet connection on
and a selection of premium program-reception performance:personal computer.
ming. For more information and a Vehicles that are equipped with a
• Antenna obstructions: For optimal
complete list of SiriusXM channels, factory installed SiriusXM Satellite
reception performance, keep the
visit siriusxm.com in the United
Radio system include:
States, siriusxm.ca in Canada, or callantenna clear of snow and ice
build-up and keep luggage and
SiriusXM at 1-888-539-7474.other material as far away from the• Hardware and an introductory trial
antenna as possible. subscription term, which begins on
the date of sale or lease of the
• Terrain: Hills, mountains, tall build-vehicle.
ings, bridges, tunnels, freeway
• For a small upgrade fee, access to
overpasses, parking garages,
SiriusXM music channels, and
dense tree foliage and thunder-
other select channels over the
storms can interfere with your
reception. Internet using any computer con-
nected to the Internet (U.S. cus-
tomers only).
For information on extended sub-
scription terms, contact SiriusXM
at 1-888-539-7474.
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