owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Driving your vehicle
Don't "ride" the brake pedal. Resting
Under some conditions your parking
your foot on the brake pedal while driv-brake can freeze in the engaged posi-
ing can be dangerous because thetion.This is most likely to happen when
brakes might overheat and lose theirthere is an accumulation of snow or ice
effectiveness. It also increases thearound or near the rear brakes or if the
wear of the brake components.brakes are wet.If there is a risk that the
parking brake may freeze, apply it only
If a tire goes flat while you are driving,
temporarily while you put the shift lever
apply the brakes gently and keep the
in P (automatic transaxle) or in first or
vehicle pointed straight ahead while
you slow down.When you are movingreverse gear (manual transaxle) and
slowly enough for it to be safe to do so,block the rear wheels so the vehicle
cannot roll. Then release the parking
pull off the road and stop in a safe
place. brake.
Do not hold the vehicle on the upgrade
If your vehicle is equipped with an
automatic transaxle, don't let your vehi-with the accelerator pedal. This can
cause the transaxle to overheat.
cle creep forward. To avoid creeping
Always use the brake pedal or parking
forward, keep your foot firmly on the
brake pedal when the vehicle is
Be cautious when parking on a hill.
Firmly engage the parking brake and
place the shift lever in P (automatic
transaxle) or in first or reverse gear
(manual transaxle). If your vehicle is
facing downhill, turn the front wheels
into the curb to help keep the vehicle
from rolling. If your vehicle is facing
uphill, turn the front wheels away from
the curb to help keep the vehicle from
rolling. If there is no curb or if it is
required by other conditions to keep the
vehicle from rolling, block the wheels.

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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