owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Display messages 283
Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions s
DISTRONIC PLUS OffDISTRONICPLUShasbeendeactivated(Ypage183). y
If it was not deactivated by the driver, a warning tone also sounds.spla
DISTRONIC PLUS NowDISTRONICPLUSisoperational again after having been tempo-d
Available rarily unavailable. You can now reactivate DISTRONIC PLUSand
(Y page 183).
DISTRONIC PLUS Cur‐ DISTRONICPLUSistemporarily inoperative. uter
rently UnavailableSteering Assist and Stop&Go Pilot are temporarily inoperative.p
See Operator's Man‐ Possible causes are:
ual com
Rtheradarsensorsystemistemporarily inoperative, e.g. due to
electromagnetic radiation emitted by nearby TV or radio sta-
tions or other sources of electromagnetic radiation.-board
Rthesystemisoutside the operating temperature range.n
Rtheon-boardvoltage is too low. O
Awarning tone also sounds.
Whenthecausesstatedabovenolongerapply,thedisplay mes-
sage disappears.
DISTRONICPLUSisoperational again.
If the display message does not disappear:
attention to road and traffic conditions.
XSecurethevehicle against rolling away (Y page 172).
XRestart the engine.
Inoperative The following may have also failed:
RBASPLUSwithCross-Traffic Assist
RSteering Assist and Stop&Go Pilot
Awarning tone also sounds.
XVisit a qualified specialist workshop.
DISTRONIC PLUS Sus‐ Youhavedepressedtheacceleratorpedal.DISTRONICPLUSisno
pended longer controlling the speed of the vehicle.
XRemoveyourfootfromtheaccelerator pedal.
DISTRONIC PLUS Anactivation condition for DISTRONIC PLUS is not fulfilled.
- - - mph XChecktheactivation conditions for DISTRONIC PLUS
(Y page 183).

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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