owners manual Porsche Cayenne S
owners manual Porsche Cayenne S - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Porsche Cayenne S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Porsche Cayenne S, year of production 2002 - 2010:
How Emission Control WorksOxygen sensor The catalytic converters will be damaged by:
When an automobile engine is running, it uses en- The oxygen sensor, installed in the exhaust pipe – push or tow starting the vehicle
ergy generated through the combustion of a mix-continuously senses the ox ygen content of the ex-– misfiring of the engine
ture of air and fuel. Depending on whether a car is haust and signals the information to an electronic – turning off the ignition while the vehicle is mov-
driven fast or slowly or whether the engine is cold control unit. The control unit corrects the air/fuel ing or
or hot, some of the fuel (hydrocarbons) may not ratio, so the engine always receives an accurately
be burned completely, but may be discharged into metered air/fuel mixture.– driving until the fuel tank is completely empty
the engine crankcase or exhaust system. Additon- – by other unusual operating conditions.
al hydrocarbons may enter the atmosphere Crankcase ventilation
through evaporation of fuel from the fuel tank. f Do not continue to operate your vehicle under
These hydrocarbons (HC), when released into the Through crankcase ventilation, undesirable emis-these conditions, since raw fuel might reach
air, contribute to undesirable pollution.sions from the engine crankcase are not permit-the catalytic converters. This could result in
In addition, carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of ted to reach the outside atmosphere. These emis-overheating of the converters. Federal law pro-
nitrogen (NOx) contribute to engine emissions. sions are recirculated from the crankcase to the hibits use of leaded fuel in this car.
They, too, are formed during the combustion proc-air intake system. From here the emissions mix
ess and discharged into the exhaust system.with the intake air and are later burned in the en-
To reduce these pollutants, your Porsche is
equipped with a precisely calibrated fuel injection Catalytic converters
system to assure a finely balanced air/fuel mixture
under all operating conditions.The catalytic converters are efficient “clean-up“
devices built into the exhaust system of the vehi-
cle. The catalytic converters burn the undesirable
pollutants in the exhaust gas before it is released
into the atmosphere.
The exclusive use of unleaded fuel is critical-
ly important for the life of the catalytic con-
verters. Therefore, only unleaded fuel must
be used.
Maintenance, Car Care 283
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year of production from: 2002
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