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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For emergencies Engine overheating WARNING WARNING E00800602269 WhОn thО ОnginО is ovОrhОating, thО inПormation If the battery has to be charged while fit- Do not open the bonnet while steam is com- l l scrООn in thО multi-inПormation Нisplaв аill bО in- ted in the vehicle, disconnect the vehicle ing from the engine compartment. It tОrruptОН anН thО ОnginО coolant tОmpОraturО аarn- side negative (-) terminal connected to the could cause steam or hot water to spurt ing Нisplaв аill appОar. Also “” аill blink. battery. out, causing burns. Hot water could spurt Keep sparks, cigarettes and flames away out even when there is no steam coming l IП this occurs, takО thО Пolloаing corrОctivО mОas- from the battery because the battery may out, and some parts will be very hot. Be urОs: produce an explosion. very careful when opening the bonnet. 1. Stop thО vОhiclО in a saПО placО. Use adequate ventilation when charging Be careful of hot steam, which could l l 2. ChОck аhОthОr stОam is coming Пrom thО Оn- or using the battery in an enclosed space. cause the cap on the engine reserve tank ginО compartmОnt. Remove all the caps before charging the to blow off. l battery. Do not attempt to remove the radiator l [IП stОam НoОs not comО Пrom thО ОnginО com- Electrolyte is corrosive diluted sulphuric cap (petrol-powered vehicles) or reserve l partmОnt] acid. tank cap (diesel-powered vehicles) while With thО ОnginО still running, raisО thО bon- If electrolyte (battery acid) comes into con- the engine is hot. nОt to vОntilatО thО ОnginО compartmОnt. tact with your hands, eyes, clothes and the painted surface of your vehicle, it 3. ConПirm that thО cooling Пans (A) arО turn- should be thoroughly flushed with water. NOTE ing. IП thО Пans arО not turning, stop thО Оn- If electrolyte gets in your eyes, flush them For vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith thО Auto Stop & l ginО immОНiatОlв anН havО it chОckОН. with water immediately and thoroughly, Go (AS&G) sвstОm, prОss thО “Auto Stop & and get prompt medical attention. Go (AS&G) OFF” sаitch to НОactivatО thО PОtrol-poаОrОН vОhiclОs Auto Stop & Go (AS&G) sвstОm bОПorО stop- ping thО vОhiclО. NOTE RОПОr to “To НОactivatО” on pagО 4-20. IП thО vОhiclО is put in motion аithout Пullв l charging thО battОrв, it might causО thО loss 6 oП smooth ОnginО opОration anН thО anti-lock [IП stОam is coming Пrom thО ОnginО compart- brakО аarning lamp to illuminatО. mОnt] RОПОr to “Anti-lock brakО sвstОm (ABS)” on Stop thО ОnginО, anН аhОn thО stОam stops, pagО 4-38. raisО thО bonnОt to vОntilatО thО ОnginО com- partmОnt. RОstart thО ОnginО. *: Front oП thО vОhiclО 6-04
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year of production from: 2010

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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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