owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Howtosaynumbers BLUETOOTH®HANDS-FREE If a phone is connected and Bluetooth® is set to
NISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certainPHONESYSTEMVOICE“On”, the following voice commands are available:
waytospeaknumbersinvoicecommands.ReferCOMMANDS ● Call (a name)
to the following examples. To access the Bluetooth® Hands-Free PhoneSpeakthenameofthecontactinwhichyou
Generalrule:Either“zero”or“oh”canbeusedforSystem voice commands:aretrying to call. System will confirm correct
“0”. contact. Say “Dial” to initiate dialing.
1. Pressthe(TypeA)orthe(Type● Dial Number
Phonenumbers B) button.
Speakphonenumbersaccordingtothefollowing2. Say “Call” and then a name in the vehicleAllows for up to 24 digits to be dialed. After
example. For 1-800-662-6200, say dial numberphonebooktocallthatentry. Otherwise, saythe number is entered, say “Dial” to initiate
and then speak the phone number in any of the“Phone” to access various phone com-dialing. Say “Correction”tocorrectthenum-
following formats: mands. ber entered. Say “Go Back”to return to the
● “oneeight oh oh six six two six two oh oh”Ifthe Bluetooth® has been set to “Off”, themain menu.
● “oneeighthundredsixsixtwosixtwoohoh”system announces: “Bluetooth® is off. Would● List Phonebook
you like to turn Bluetooth® on?”Starting with the first alphabetical entry in
● “oneeightzerozerosixsixtwosixtwoohoh”If no phone is connected to the system and thethe vehicle phonebook, the system prompts
For the best voice recognition phone dialing re-vehicle is stationary, the system announces:for an additional command. Say “Dial”to call
sults, say phone numbers as single digits. Also,“There is no phone connected. Would you like tothe number of the phonebook entry. Say
full numbers can only be spoken for “800”. Forconnect a phone now?” Say “Yes” to connect a“Send Text” to send a text message to the
example, you cannot say 555-6000 as “five fivephone.AllfurtherBluetooth®Hands-FreePhonenumber of the phonebook entry. Say “Next
five six thousand”. System voice commands are only available if aEntry”toskiptothenextalphabeticalentryin
phone is connected. the vehicle phonebook, where the same op-
tions will then be available.
● RecentCalls
The system prompts for an additional com-
mand.Say“MissedCalls”, “Incoming Calls”
or “Outgoing Calls” to display a list of such
calls on the screen.
4-108 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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