owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
Voice Control telephone
“Dial number” Sample dialog: “Confirm”
You can dial a phone number using the sDial number Using the command “Confirm” will repeat
command “Dial number”. tPlease say the number all digits spoken up to that point. Upon re-
Digits from “Zero” to “Nine” may be used. peating the digits, the system will prompt
sOne two three you to continue your input.
The phone number must be spokentOne two three
as a continuously spoken string of sFour five six seven Sample dialog:
digits, or sDial number
in digit blocks (three to five digits in tFour five six seventPlease say the number
each block). sOK sOne two three
After each digit block (separate the digit tDialing tOne two three
blocks by using an approximately iYou can also dial the telephone number spo-
0.5 second pause), the Voice Control Sys-ken by pressing button s on the multifunc-sConfirm
tem repeats the recognized digits and tion steering wheel (instead of using the tOne two three, please continue
waits until you continue speaking.command “OK”):
When dialing 1800 numbers, you may pro-You can dial the telephone number before all sFour five six seven
nounce the first four digits as “One eight numbers are recited in full.tFour five six seven
hundred” and the system will recognize the sOK
spoken entries as “One eight zero zero”. tDialing
All other numeric entries must be spoken
as individual numbers.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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