owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Multi-mode To return the seat to a locked position, push theCAUTION
upper seatback rearward until the seatback and
WARNING tracks are locked. Push the seat cushion down.● Becarefulnottopinchyourhandorfoot
When returning the seat to its originalChild seat access modeor bump your head when operating the
position, confirm that the seat and seat- walk-in seat.
back are locked properly.Thepassenger’ssideofthe2ndrowseatcanbe● Do not drive with the 2nd row seat
slid forwardforeasyentryorexitfromthe3rdrowtipped up.
CAUTION bench seat without a child safety seat being● Becarefulnottoallowthe2ndrowseat
removed. to pinch, hit any part of your body or
● BecarefulnottopinchyourhandorfootTo enter the 3rd row from outside the vehicle, liftother people when operating the 2nd
or bump your head when operating theup on the seatback lever located on the upperrow seat. Make sure the seat path is
walk-in seat. outboard side of the seatback on the 2nd rowclear of all objects before moving the
● Do not drive with the 2nd row seatbench seat. This will release the seatback. Thenseat.
tipped up. tilt the seat and release the tracks so you will be
● Becarefulnottoallowthe2ndrowseatable to slide the seat forward or backward.Exiting the 3rd row
to pinch, hit any part of your body orSlide the entire seat forward for access to theToexitthe3rdrowfromeitherseatingposition,lift
other people when operating the 2ndrear seats.the upper seatback release lever to the upper-
row seat. Make sure the seat path isTo return the seat to a locked position, push themost position. This will release the back of the
clear of all objects before moving theupper seatback rearward until the seatback andseat, then fold the seat cushion up and release
seat. track are locked. the tracks.
To enter the 3rd row from outside the vehicle, liftSlide the entire seat forward.
up on the seatback lever located on the upperWARNINGTo return the seat to a locked position, push the
outboard side of the seatback on the 2nd row● Do not leave a child in the child safetyupper seatback rearward until the seatback and
benchseat. This will release the back of the seatseat when operating the child seat ac-track are locked.
and fold up the seat cushion. This will also re-cess mode.
lease the seat tracks so you will be able to slide
the seat forward or backward.● When returning the seat to its original
row. back are locked properly.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-9

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year of production from: 2013

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