owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Safety features of your vehicle
Seat belt restraint system (Continued) (Continued)
Avoid wearing twisted seat belts.Care should be taken to avoid con-
WARNING A twisted belt can't do its job astamination of the webbing with pol-
well. In a collision, it could evenishes, oils and chemicals, and par-
For maximum restraint system
cut into you. Be sure the beltticularly battery acid.Cleaning may
protection, the seat belts must
always be used whenever the carwebbing is straight and not twist-safely be carried out using mild
is moving. ed. soap and water.The belt should be
Be careful not to damage the beltreplaced if webbing becomes
Seat belts are most effective
frayed, contaminated or damaged.
webbing or hardware. If the belt
when seatbacks are in the
upright position. webbing or hardware is dam-It is essential to replace the entire
aged, replace it. assembly after it has been worn in
Children age 12 and under must
always be properly restrained in a severe impact even if damage to
the rear seat. Never allow chil- the assembly is not obvious. Belts
dren to ride in the front passen- should not be worn with straps
ger seat. If a child over 12 mustWARNING twisted. Each belt assembly must
Seat belts are designed to bear
be seated in the front seat, he/she only be used by one occupant;it is
upon the bony structure of the
must be properly belted and the dangerous to put a belt around a
body, and should be worn low
seat should be moved as far back child being carried on the occu-
as possible. across the front of the pelvis or thepant's lap.
pelvis, chest and shoulders, as
Never wear the shoulder belt
applicable; wearing the lap section
under your arm or behind your
back. An improperly positionedof the belt across the abdominal
area must be avoided. WARNING
shoulder belt can cause serious No modifications or additions
injuries in a crash. The shoulder Seat belts should be adjusted as
should be made by the user which
belt should be positioned midwayfirmly as possible, consistent with
comfort, to provide the protection will either prevent the seat belt
over your shoulder across your adjusting devices from operating to
collarbone. for which they have been designed.
remove slack, or prevent the seat
(Continued) A slack belt will greatly reduce the
protection afforded to the wearer.belt assembly from being adjusted
(Continued)to remove slack.

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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