owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Seat belts—
—Seat belt precautions
Toyota strongly urges that the driver and Do not allow the child to stand up or CAUTION
passengers in the vehicle be properly re-kneel on either rear or front seats. An
strained at all times with the seat beunrltsestrained child could suffer serious in-
provided. Failure to do so could increase jury or death during emergency braking orPersons should ride in their seats
properly wearing their seat belts
the chance of injury and/or the severity ofa collision. Also, do not let the child sit
injury in accidents. on your lap. It does not provide sufficientwhenever the vehicle is moving.
restraint. Otherwise, they are much more likely
Child. Use a child restraint system ap- to suffer serious bodily injury or
propriate for the child until the child be- Pregnant woman. Toyota recommends thedeath in the event of sudden braking
comes large enough to properly wear theuse of a seat belt. Ask your doctor for or a collision.
vehicle’s seat belts. See “Child restraint” specific recommendations. The lap beltWhen using the seat belts, observe
for details. should be worn securely and as low asthe following:
If a child is too large for a child restraint possible over the hips and not on the
system, the child should sit in the rear waist. Use the belt for only one person at
seat and must be restrained using thInjuered perso Tn. oyota recommends thea time. Do not use a single belt for
two or more people—even children.
vehicle’s seat belt. According to accidentuse of a seat belt. Depending on the inju-
statistics, the child is safer when properlyry, first check with your doctor for specific Avoid reclining the seatbacks too
restrained in the rear seat than in therecommendations. much. The seat belts provide maxi-
front seat. mum protection when the seatbacks
If a child must sit in the front seat, the are in the upright position. (Refer
seat belts should be worn properly. If an to the seat adjustment instructions.)
accident occurs and the seat belts are not Be careful not to damage the belt
worn properly, the force of the rapid infla- webbing or hardware. Take care that
tion of the airbag may cause death or they do not get caught or pinched
serious injury to the child. in the seat or side doors.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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