owners manual KIA Sportage
owners manual KIA Sportage - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual EN
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Sportage, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Driving tips
3.The HomeLink indicator light will
Flashing Rolling code programming
flash, first slowly and then rapidly.
To train a garage door opener (or
When the indicator light flashes
other rolling code equipped devices)
rapidly, both buttons may be 1
with the rolling code feature, follow
released. (The rapid flashing light
indicates successful programmingthese instructions after completing
the “Programming” portion of this
of the new frequency signal.) text. (A second person may make the2
following training procedures quicker
1-3inches ✽✽ NOTICE & easier.) 3
4. Locate the “learn” or “smart” but-
Transmitter MMSA5006 Some gate operators and garage
ton on the device’s motor head
door openers may require you to
2. Press and hold the button on the 4
unit. Exact location and color of
replace step #3 with the “cycling”
HomeLink system you wish to the button may vary by product
procedure noted in the “Canadian
train and the button on the trans- brand. If there is difficulty locating
Programming” section of this docu- 5
mitter while the transmitter is the “learn” or “smart” button, refer-
approximately 1 to 3 inches away ence the device’s owner’s manual
from the mirror. Do not release the or contact HomeLink at 1-800-
buttons until step 3 has been com- 6
pleted. 355-3515 or on the internet at
www.homelink.com. 7
5. Press and release the “learn” or
“smart” button on the device’s
motor head unit. You have 30 sec-8
onds to complete step number 6.
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year of production from: 2002
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Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual
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