owners manual Infiniti Q50
owners manual Infiniti Q50 - year of production: 2013 - Infiniti Q50 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q50, year of production 2013:
BRAKE ASSIST surfaces even with ABS. Stopping dis-wheel from locking and sliding. By pre-
When the force applied to the brake pedaltances may also be longer on rough,venting each wheel from locking, the
exceeds a certain level, the Brake Assist isgravel or snow covered roads, or if yousystem helps the driver maintain steering
activated generating greater braking forceare using tire chains. Always maintain acontrol and helps to minimize swerving
than a conventional brake booster evensafe distance from the vehicle in front ofand spinning on slippery surfaces.
with light pedal force. you. Ultimately, the driver is responsibleUsing the system
for safety. Depress the brake pedal and hold it down.
WARNING . Tire type and condition may also affectDepress the brake pedal with firm steady
braking effectiveness. pressure, but do not pump the brakes. The
The Brake Assist is only an aid to assist—When replacing tires, install theABS will operate to prevent the wheels
braking operation and is not a collisionspecified size of tires on all fourfrom locking up. Steer the vehicle to avoid
warning or avoidance device. It is thewheels. obstacles.
driver’s responsibility to stay alert, drive—When installing a spare tire, make
safely and be in control of the vehicle at allsure that it is the proper size andWARNING
times. type as specified on the Tire and
Loading Information label. See “TireDonotpumpthebrakepedal. Doing so may
ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) and loading information label” (P.9-result in increased stopping distances.
13) of this manual.
WARNING —For detailed information, see
“Wheels and tires” (P.8-29) of thisSelf-test feature
. The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is amanual. The ABS includes electronic sensors, elec-
sophisticated device, but it cannot pre- tric pumps, hydraulic solenoids and a
vent accidents resulting from careless orThe Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) con-computer. The computer has a built-in
dangerous driving techniques. It cantrols the brakes so the wheels do not lockdiagnostic feature that tests the system
help maintain vehicle control duringduring hard braking or when braking oneach time you start the engine and move
braking on slippery surfaces. Rememberslippery surfaces. The system detects thethe vehicle at a low speed in forward or
that stopping distances on slippery rotation speed at each wheel and variesreverse.Whentheself-test occurs, you may
surfaces will be longer than on normalthe brake fluid pressure to prevent eachhear a “clunk” noise and/or feel a pulsa-
Starting and driving5-107
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Infiniti Q50 Infiniti Q50 owners manual
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