owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
– Remove dried on dirts t with a lightlyFor routine cleaning of interior plastic par
Periodically check that water is not trappedmoistened chamois leather or cloth with-use a soft cloth moistened with water and
under the mats (due to water dripping off out pressing too hard.neutral soap. Remove grease or persisting
shoes, umbrellas, etc.) which could cause stains using appropriate solvent-free prod-
– Remove liquid or grease stains with a
oxidisation of the sheet metal.dry absorbent cloth without rubbing. Thenucts designed to preserve appearance and
colour of plastic components.
wipe with a soft cloth or chamois leather
with water and neutral soap. If the stain per-IMPORTANT Never use spirit or petro-
sists, use specific products, carefully follow-leum to clean the instrument panel or oth-CAR MAINTENANCE
WARNING ing the instructions for useer plastic parts.
Never use inflammable
products like fuel oil etherWARNINGNever use spirit or alcohol-
based products.
or rectified petrol for cleaning in-
side the car. The electrostatic dis-
charges generated when rubbing to
clean may cause fire. Upholstery of your car
has been designed to with-
stand wear deriving from WARNING
common use of the car. You are
Do not keep aerosol cans in
CLEANING SEATS AND FABRIC however recommended to avoid
AND VELVET PARTS strong and/or continuous scratch-the car. There is the risk
– Use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner toing with clothing accessories suchthey might explode. Aerosol cans
must never be exposed to a tem-
remove dust. Velvet is cleaned better if theas metallic buckles, studs, Velcro
brush is moistened. fastenings and the like, since theseperature above 50°C. The temper-
items cause circumscribed stress ofature inside the car might go well
– Rub the seats with a sponge moistenedthe cover fabric that could lead tobeyond that figure when exposed
yarn breaking, and damage the
with a solution of water and neutral deter- to the sun’s rays.
gent. cover as a consequence.

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year of production from: 1997

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