owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Warning! G Switching Downhill Speed Regulation onSwitching Downhill Speed Regulation off
iThe DSR can only be switched on if the vehi- Press DSR switch1 ( page 276).
If the accelerator pedal is depressed while cle speed is below 18 mph (Canada: 30 km/h).The indicator lamp2 goes out.
the Downhill Speed Regulation is activated, Press DSR switch1 ( page 276).The message
the vehicle can drive faster than the pro- DSR Off appears in the
grammed set speed. You should therefore The indicator lamp 2 comes on.multifunction display.
drive downhill with particular caution as it The message DSR and the set speed ap-iAt a speed above approximately 21 mph
could otherwise lead to an accident and/or pear in the multifunction display.(Canada approximately: 35 km/h), the DSR is
serious injury to you or others. Keep in mind automatically switched off. The message DSR
that as soon as you remove the foot from Off appears in the multifunction display and an
the accelerator pedal with the DSR switched acoustic signal sounds. For information on how
on, the DSR will start regulating the vehicles to switch DSR on again, see “Switching Downhill
Speed Regulation on” ( page 277).
speed including use of brakes if required.
Depending on the programmed set speed,
actual vehicle speed and gradient, the DSR iIf the DSR is switched on at a speed above
can cause the vehicle to slow down rapidly. 18mph (Canada: 30 km/h), the message DSR
Sudden and unexpected deceleration can Max. speed 18 mph (Canada: 30 km/h) ap-
result in loss of vehicle control, causing an pears in the multifunction display.
accident and/or serious personal injury to For information on how to program the set
you and others. speed while driving, see “Adjusting Down-
hill Speed Regulation speed with DSR
switched on” ( page 278).
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year of production from: 2006
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
pages 275 - 281
Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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