owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Driving your vehicle
Power brakes In the event of brake failure
Your vehicle has power-assisted brakesWARNING- BrakesIf service brakes fail to operate while the
that adjust automatically through normal vehicle is in motion, you can make an
Do not drive with your foot rest-
usage. emergency stop with the parking brake.
ing on the brake pedal.This will
The stopping distance, however, will be
create abnormal high brake tem-
In the event that the power-assisted much greater than normal.
peratures, excessive brake lining
brakes lose power because of a stalled
and pad wear, and increased
engine or some other reason, you can
still stop your vehicle by applying greaterstopping distances.WARNING- Parking brake
force to the brake pedal than you nor-
When descending a long or steepApplying the parking brake while
mally would.The stopping distance, how-hill, shift to a lower gear and
ever, will be longer. the vehicle is moving at normal
avoid continuous application of
speeds can cause a sudden loss of
the brakes. Continuous brake
When the engine is not running, the control of the vehicle. If you must
reserve brake power is partially depletedapplication will cause the brakes
use the parking brake to stop the
each time the brake pedal is applied. Do to overheat and could result in a
vehicle, use great caution in apply-
temporary loss of braking per-
not pump the brake pedal when the ing the brake.
power assist has been interrupted.formance.
Wet brakes may impair the vehi-
Pump the brake pedal only when neces-
cle’s ability to safely slow down;
sary to maintain steering control on slip-
pery surfaces. the vehicle may also pull to one
side when the brakes are applied.
Applying the brakes lightly will
indicate whether they have been
affected in this way. Always test
your brakes in this fashion after
driving through deep water. To
dry the brakes, apply them lightly
while maintaining a safe forward
speed until brake performance
returns to normal.
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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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