owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2015 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban XI 11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2015:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/
Mexico-9159366) - 2016 - crc - 5/20/15
276 Driving and Operating
Whenit is determined that there isvehicle speed goes to the nextfaster the vehicle speed, the further
no vehicle ahead or the vehicle5km/h(1mph)slower mark onback your vehicle will follow a
ahead is beyond the selected the speedometer. vehicle detected ahead. Consider
following gap, then the vehicleThe speedometer reading can betraffic and weather conditions when
speed will increase to the set speed.displayed in either English or metricselecting the following gap. The
The speedometer reading can beunits. SeeInstrument Cluster0 137.range of selectable gaps may not be
displayed in either English or metricThe increment value used dependsappropriate for all drivers and
units. SeeInstrument Cluster0 137.on the units displayed.driving conditions.
The increment value used dependsSelecting the Follow Distance GapChanging the gap setting
on the units displayed. automatically changes the alert
Reducing Speed While ACC is at aWhenaslowermovingvehicleistiming sensitivity (Far, Medium,
Set Speed detected ahead within the selectedor Near) for the Forward Collision
following gap, ACC will adjust theAlert (FCA) feature. SeeForward
If ACC is already activated, do onevehicle's speed and attempt toCollision Alert (FCA) System0 283.
of the following: maintain the follow distance gapAlerting the Driver
. Usethe brake to get to theselected.
desired lower speed. PressPress3onthesteeringwheelto
SET–andreleasethe adjust the following gap. When
accelerator pedal. The vehiclepressed, the current gap setting
will now cruise at the lowerdisplays briefly on the instrument
speed. cluster. Subsequent presses cycle
. Press and hold SET–until thethe 3 button through three
desired lower speed is reached,settings: Far, Medium, or Near. TheIf ACC is engaged, driver action
then release it. gap setting will be maintained until itmayberequired when ACC cannot
. To decrease the vehicle speed inis changed. apply sufficient braking because of
small increments, briefly pressSince each gap setting correspondsapproaching a vehicle too rapidly.
SET−. For each press, theto a following time (Far, Medium,
or Near), the following distance will
vary based on vehicle speed. The

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year of production from: 2015

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