owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (28,1)
9-28 Driving and Operating
Brake Assist Hill Start Assist (HSA) Ride Control Systems
This vehicle has a brake assistThis vehicle has a Hill Start AssistStabiliTrak® System
feature designed to assist the driver(HSA) feature, which may be useful
in stopping or decreasing vehiclewhenthe vehicle is stopped on aThe vehicle has the StabiliTrak
speed in emergency driving grade. This feature is designed tosystem which combines antilock
conditions. This feature uses theprevent the vehicle from rolling,brake, traction, and stability control
stability system hydraulic brakeeither forward or rearward, duringsystems and helps the driver
control module to supplement thevehicle drive off. After the drivermaintain directional control of the
power brake system under completely stops and holds thevehicle in most driving conditions.
conditions where the driver hasvehicle in a complete standstill on a
quickly and forcefully applied thegrade, HSA will be automaticallyWhenyoufirst start the vehicle and
brake pedal in an attempt to quicklyactivated. During the transitionbegin to drive away, the system
stop or slow down the vehicle. Theperiod between when the driverperforms several diagnostic checks
stability system hydraulic brakereleases the brake pedal and startsto ensure there are no problems.
control module increases braketo accelerate to drive off on a grade,The system may be heard or felt
pressure at each corner of theHSAholdsthebraking pressure towhile it is working. This is normal
vehicle until the ABS activates.ensure that there is no rolling. Theand does not mean there is a
Minor brake pedal pulsation orbrakes will automatically releaseproblem with the vehicle. The
pedal movement during this time iswhenthe accelerator pedal issystem should initialize before the
normal and the driver shouldapplied within the two‐secondvehicle reaches 32km/h (20 mph).
continue to apply the brake pedalwindow. It will not activate if theIn some cases, it may take
as the driving situation dictates.vehicle is in a drive gear and facingapproximately 3.2km (2 mi) of
The brake assist feature willdownhill or if the vehicle is facingdriving before the system initializes.
automatically disengage when theuphill and in R (Reverse).
brake pedal is released or brake
pedal pressure is quickly

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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