owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
MR20DD,MR16DEorR9Mengine 14. Observe the coolant temperature gauge for 5. Opentheenginecoolantreservoir cap to help to
1. Set the heater or air conditioner temperature signs of overheating. drain the coolant.
control to the maximum “HOT” position. 15. Stop the engine and check coolant level, allow6. Flush the cooling system by running fresh water
2. Open the bonnet. For details, see “Bonnet to cool and refill up to the MAX level. through the engine coolant reservoir.
release” in the “3. Pre-driving checks and 16. Checkradiatorlowerhoseforanysignsofleak- 7. Install the hose j2 and securely tighten the en-
adjustments” section. age. gine block drain plug j3.
3. Open the engine coolant reservoir cap j1to17. Close the bonnet. 8. Tighten the engine coolant radiator drain plug
help drain the coolant. j1.
4. Loosentheenginecoolantradiatordrainplugj3 9. Fill the reservoir up to the MAX level with cool-
to help drain the coolant. ant. See “Capacities and recommended
5. Disconnect the end of the hose j2 to drain the fuel/lubricants” in the “9. Technical information”
coolant. section for cooling system capacity.
6. Flush the cooling system by running clean water 10. Install the engine coolant reservoir cap.
through the engine coolant reservoir. 11. Start the engine, and rev the engine two or
7. Install the hose j2. three times under no load.
NDI1491 12. Touch the radiator hose and feel if the water
8. Tighten the engine coolant radiator drain plug flows.
j3. HRA2DDTorK9Kengine
9. Fill the coolant reservoir up to the MAX level. 13. Keep racing the engine at a speed of 2,000 –
See “Capacities and recommended fuel/ 1. Set the heater or air conditioner temperature 2,500 rpm for about 10 minutes.
lubricants” in the “9. Technical information” sec-control to the maximum “HOT” position. 14. Observe the coolant temperature gauge for
tion for cooling system capacity. 2. Open the bonnet. For details, see “Bonnet signs of overheating.
10. Install the engine coolant reservoir cap. release” in the “3. Pre-driving checks and 15. Stop the engine and check coolant level, allow
11. Start the engine, and rev the engine two or adjustments” section. to cool and refill up to the MAX level.
three times under no load. 3. Loosentheenginecoolantradiatordrainplugj1 16. Check the radiator lower hose for any signs of
12. Touch the radiator hose and feel if the water to help drain the coolant. leakage.
flows. 4. Disconnect the radiator lower hose j2 and open17. Close the bonnet.
13. Keepracingtheengineataspeedof3,000rpm the drain plug j3 on the engine block.
for about 10 minutes.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-7
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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