owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 4b (Audio).qxp 9/9/2015 5:09 PM Page 192
Features of your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE - USINGTHE (Continued) (Continued)
Bluetooth ®Wireless If the cellular phone signal is poor If Priority is set upon vehicle igni-
Technology or the vehicles interior noise is too tion(IGN/ACC ON), the Bluetooth
CELLULAR PHONE loud, it may be difficult to hear the Wireless Technology phone will be
other person’s voice during a call. automatically connected.
Do not use a cellular phone or per-
® Do not place the phone near or Even if you are outside, the
form Bluetooth Wireless Technology
inside metallic objects, otherwise Bluetooth Wireless Technology
settings (e.g. pairing a phone)
communications with Bluetooth phone will be automatically con-
while driving.
® Wireless Technology system orcel- nected once you are in the vicinity
Some Bluetooth Wireless Technology
lular service stations can be dis- of the vehicle.
-enabled phones may not be recog-
turbed. If you do not want automatic
nized by the system or fully com-
While a phone is connected through Bluetooth Wireless Technology
patible with the system.
® ®
® Bluetooth Wireless Technology connection, turn thBle uetooth
Before using Bluetooth Wireless
your phone may discharge quicker Wireless Technology feature off.
Technology related features of the
than usual for additional Bluetooth The hands-free call volume and
audio system, refer your phone’s
Wireless Technology-related opera- quality may differ depending on
User’s Manual for phone-side
® tions. the mobile phone type.
Bluetooth Wireless Technology
Some cellular phones or other Bluetooth Wireless Technology
devices may cause interference
features can be used only when the
The phone must be paired to the
® noise or malfunction to audio sys- mobile phone has been paired and
audio system to uBlsuee tooth
tem. In this case, store the device connected with the device. For
Wireless Technology related fea-
in a different location may resolve more information on pairing and
the condition. connecting Bluetooth Wireless
You will not be able to use the
Phone contact names should be Technology enabled mobile phones,
hands-free feature when your
saved in English or they may not referto the “Phone Setup” section.
phone (in the car) is outside of the
be displayed correctly. (Continued)
cellular service area (e.g. in a tun-
nel, in a underground, in a moun-
tainous area, etc.).
4 192
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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