owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
272 Menusandsubmenus
XUse:or9toselecttheDriveAssist XPress:or9toselecttheMax.
submenu. Charge Current function.
XPressatoconfirmyourselection. Youwill see the selected setting.
XPressthe:or9buttontoselect XPresstheabuttontosavethesetting.
displaysLane Keeping Assist. Before charging the high-voltage battery, check
XPressatoconfirm. themaximumpermissiblechargecurrentforthe
andThe current selection, Standard or Adap‐relevant power socket.
tive, appears. Further information on charging the high-volt-
XTochangethesetting:pressaagain. age battery (PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles)
ForfurtherinformationaboutActiveLaneKeep-(Y page 181).
ing Assist, see (Y page 237). Setting the departure time
computerHYBRIDsubmenu(PLUG-INHYBRID Youcanclimatize the vehicle interior prior to
vehicles) your departure with the "Set departure time"
function. Further information on pre-entry cli-
Setting the maximum charge currentmatecontrol (
If you recharge the high-voltage battery, the
UsingtheMax. Charge Currentfunction, youfunction also displays the charging prediction.
On-boardcan limit the charge current value at which theXPresstheòbuttononthesteeringwheel
high-voltage battery should be charged.to open the menu list.
Beforestarting the charging process at a powerXPress:or9onthesteeringwheelto
socket,checkthemaximumpermissiblechargeselect the Settings menu.
current for the relevant power socket or theXConfirmbypressingaonthesteering
building. wheel.
Only set the maximum permissible charge cur-XPress:or9toselecttheHybrid
rent using the function if: submenu.
Ritisnotpossible to set the charge current onXPressatoconfirm.
the charging cable XPress:or9toselecttheDeparture
Rtheprecise maximumpermitted charge cur-Time function.
rent can only be set via the on-board com-Youwill see the selected setting.
puter XPresstheabuttontosavethesetting.
Before charging the high-voltage battery at aXTosetnodeparturetime:press:or
wallbox or charging station, ensure that the .
chargingcurrentisnotlimitedbythefunction.If9toselectNo Pre-selection
charging at a wallbox or a charging station,XPressatoconfirm.
select the maximum value. If you recharge the high-voltage battery, the
Further information on charging the high-volt-multifunction display also shows the time
age battery and setting the charge currentwhenthehigh-voltage battery will be fully
(PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles) (Y page 181).charged.
menulist. XTosetadeparturetime:press:or9
, B or C to select the desired preset.
XPress:or9onthesteeringwheelto A
select the Settings menu. XPresstheabuttontoconfirmtheselec-
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering tion.
wheel. XPress:or9tosetthehours.
XPress:or9toselecttheHybrid XPressatoconfirm.
submenu. XPress:or9tosettheminutes.
XPressatoconfirm. XPressatoconfirm.
If you recharge the high-voltage battery, the
multifunction display shows the expected
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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