owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
VOICECOMMANDS 5. Initiate the connecting process from the
Youcanusevoicecommandstooperatevarious handset. The system will display the mes-
Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System features sage: “Is PIN XXXXXX displayed on your
usingtheNISSANVoiceRecognitionsystem.For Bluetooth device?”. If the PIN is displayed
additional information, refer to “NISSAN Voice on your Bluetooth® device, select “Yes” to
Recognition System”in this section. complete the pairing process.
Voice Prompt Interrupt For additionalinformation,refertothe
Bluetooth® device’s Owner’s Manual.
While using the voice recognition system, the VEHICLEPHONEBOOK
systemvoicecanbeinterruptedtoallowtheuser To access the vehicle phonebook:
to speak commands. While the system is speak-
ing, press the(Type A) or the(Type 1. Pressthe buttononthecontrolpanel.
B) button on the steering wheel. The system 2. Touch the “Phonebook”key.
voice will stop and a tone will be heard. After the LHA3748
tone, speak desired command (displayed on theCONNECTINGPROCEDURE 3. Choosethedesiredentryfromthedisplayed
touch-screen). list.
OneShotCall NOTE: 4. Thenumberoftheentrywillbedisplayedon
To use the system faster, you may speak theThe connecting procedure must be per-the screen. Touch the number to initiate di-
second level commands with the main menuformedwhenthevehicleisstationary.Ifthealing.
the (Type A) or the(Type B) buttonthe procedure will be cancelled.NOTE:
and after the tone say, “Call Redial”.1. Press the [] button on the controlTo scroll quickly through the list, touch the
panel. “A-Z” key in the upper right corner of the
screen. Turn the TUNE knob to choose a
2. Touch the “Settings”key. letter or number and then press ENTER.
The list will move to the first entry that
3. Touch the “Phone & Bluetooth”key.begins with that number or letter.
4. Touch the “Connect New Device”key.
4-100 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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