owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Volvo XC60 I 1 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2013 - 2017:
06 Infotainment
Cell phone voice control*
Voice output volume The following is a list of features that can beUser action
voice-controlled with a Bluetooth -connectedBegin saying the digits in the phone number.
Press MY CAR and go to Settings Voice
cell phone. If you say several digits and pause, the sys-
settings Voice output volume. Press OK/
tem will repeat them and prompt you by say-
MENU and turn TUNE to raise or lower the
ing "Continue."
volume. Press EXIT to save the change and
Shortcut commands for using the phone can
exit the menu. Continue saying the digits. When you have
be found in the MY CAR menu system, under
finished, complete the command by saying
Settings Voice settings Voice
Using voice commands
command list Phone commands and
• You can also change the number by
The driver initiates a voice command dialogue
General commands. See page 201 for more
using the commands "Correction" (which
by pressing the voice control button (see the
information on the menu system.
deletes the last group of digits spoken) or
illustration on page 269).
"Delete" (which will erase the entire
Dialing a number
When a dialogue has been initiated, com-
phone number).
The system understands the digits zero to
monly used commands will be shown in the
nine. These numbers can be spoken individu-
display. Grayed-out texts or texts in paren- Dialing from a call list
ally, in groups of several digits at a time, or
theses are not part of the spoken command. The dialogue below enables you make a call
the entire number can be given at once.
from one of your cell phone's call lists.
Once you become familiar with the system, Numbers above nine will not be recognized.
you can speed up the command dialogue by The user initiates the dialogue by
The following is an example of a voice com-
briefly pressing the voice control button to
06 mand dialogue. The system's response may
skip prompts from the system.
Phone > dial from call list
vary depending on the situation.
Commands can be given in several ways.
The user initiates the dialogue by
For example, the command "Phone call con-
saying: Phone dial from call list
tact" can be spoken as:
Phone > dial number
Continue by responding to the system's
• "Phone > Call contact"—say "Phone,"
or prompts.
wait for a system response, and then
continue by saying "Call contact."
Phone dial number
Calling a contact
• "Phone call contact"—give the entire
System response The dialogue below enables you to call the
command at one time
pre-defined contacts in your cell phone. See
Number please
the phone's user's guide if necessary.
270 * Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

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year of production from: 2013

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Volvo XC60 I 1 FL owners manual
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