owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Driving your vehicle
Good driving practices Exercise extreme caution when driving
on a slippery surface. Be especially
Never take the vehicle out of gear and WARNING
careful when braking, accelerating or
coast down a hill. This is extremely Always buckle-up! In a collision,
shifting gears. On a slippery surface,
hazardous.Always leave the vehicle in an unbelted occupant is signifi-
gear. an abrupt change in vehicle speed cancantly more likely to be seriously
Don't "ride" the brakes.This can causecause the drive wheels to lose tractioninjured or killed than a properly
and the vehicle to go out of control.belted occupant.
them to overheat and malfunction.
Instead, when you are driving down a Avoid high speeds when corner-
long hill, slow down and shift to a lower ing or turning.
gear.When you do this, engine braking Do not make quick steering
will help slow down the vehicle. wheel movements,such as sharp
Slow down before shifting to a lower lane changes or fast,sharp turns.
gear. This will help avoid over-revving The risk of rollover is greatly
the engine, which can cause damage. increased if you lose control of
Slow down when you encounter cross your vehicle at highway speeds.
winds.This gives you much better con- Loss of control often occurs if
trol of your vehicle. two or more wheels drop off the
Be sure the vehicle is completely roadway and the driver over-
stopped before you attempt to shift into steers to reenter the roadway.
reverse. The transaxle can be dam- In the event your vehicle leaves
aged if you do not.To shift into reverse, the roadway,do not steer sharply.
depress the clutch, move the shift lever Instead,slow down before pulling
to neutral, then shift to the reverse back into the travel lanes.
position. Never exceed posted speed lim-

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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