owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
WARNING Infants and small children WARNING
Infants and children need special protec-NISSANrecommendsthatinfantsandsmallchil-Never let a child stand or kneel on any
tion. The vehicle’s seat belts may not fitdrenbeplacedinchildrestraintsthatcomplywithseat and do not allow a child in the cargo
them properly. The shoulder belt mayFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Ca-areas while the vehicle is moving. The
come too close to the face or neck. Thenadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Youchildcouldbeseriouslyinjuredorkilledin
lap belt may not fit over their small hipshould choose a child restraint that fits your ve-anaccident or sudden stop.
bones. In an accident, an improperly fit-hicle and always follow the manufacturer’s in-PREGNANTWOMEN
ting seat belt could cause serious or fatalstructions for installation and use.
injury.Always use appropriate childLarger children NISSANrecommendsthatpregnantwomenuse
restraints. seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug,
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or terri-Children who are too large for child restraintsand always position the lap belt as low as pos-
tories require the use of approved child restraintsshouldbeseatedandrestrainedbytheseatbeltssible around the hips, not the waist. Place the
for infants and small children. See “Child Re-which are provided.shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your
straints” later in this section.If the child’s seating position has a shoulder beltchest. Never run the lap/shoulder belt over your
In addition, there are many types of child re-that fits close to the face or neck, the use of aabdominal area. Contact your doctor for specific
straints available for larger children which shouldbooster seat (commercially available) may helprecommendations.
be used for maximum protection.overcomethis. The booster seat should raise theINJUREDPERSONS
NISSAN recommends that all pre-teenschild so that the shoulder belt is properly posi-
tioned across the top, middle portion of theNISSAN recommends that injured persons use
andchildren be restrained in the rear seat.shoulder and the lap belt is low on the hips. Theseat belts. Check with your doctor for specific
According to accident statistics, childrenbooster seat should fit the vehicle seat and haverecommendations.
are safer when properly restrained in thea label certifying that it complies with Federal
rear seat than in the front seat. This isMotorVehicleSafetyStandardsorCanadianMo-
especially important because your vehicletor Vehicle Safety Standards. Once the child has
has a supplemental restraint system (Airgrownsotheshoulderbeltisnolongeronornear
bag system) for the front passenger. Seethe face and neck, use the shoulder belt without
“Supplemental restraint system” earlier inthe booster seat.
this section.
Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems 1-21
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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