owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
WARNING Infants and small children WARNING
Infants and children need special pro-NISSANrecommendsthatinfantsandsmallNever let a child stand or kneel on any
tection. The vehicle’s seat belts maychildren be placed in child restraints thatseat and do not allow a child in the
not fit them properly. The shoulder beltcomply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safetycargoareaswhilethevehicleismoving.
maycometooclosetothefaceorneck.Standard 213 or Canadian Motor VehicleThe child could be seriously injured or
Thelapbelt may not fit over their smallSafety Standard 213. You should choose akilled in an accident or sudden stop.
hip bones. In an accident, an improp-child restraint that fits your vehicle and
erly fitting seat belt could cause seri-always follow the manufacturer’s instruc-PREGNANTWOMEN
ous or fatal injury. Always use appro-tions for installation and use.NISSANrecommendsthatpregnantwomen
priate child restraints. Larger children useseatbelts.Theseatbeltshouldbeworn
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces orChildren who are too large for child re-snug, and always position the lap belt as
territories require the use of approved childstraints should be seated and restrained bylow as possible around the hips, not the
restraints for infants and small children. Seethe seat belts which are provided.waist. Place the shoulder belt over your
‘‘Child restraints’’ later in this section.If the child’s seating position has a shouldershoulder and across your chest. Never run
belt that fits close to the face or neck, thethe lap/shoulder belt over your abdominal
In addition, there are many types of childuse of a booster seat (commercially avail-area. Contact your doctor for specific rec-
restraints available for larger children whichable) may help overcome this. The boosterommendations.
should be used for maximum protection.seat should raise the child so that the shoul-INJURED PERSONS
NISSANrecommendsthatallpre-teensandder belt is properly positioned across theNISSAN recommends that injured persons
children be restrained in the rear seat iftop, middle portion of the shoulder and theuse seat belts. Check with your doctor for
possible. According to accident statistics,lap belt is low on the hips. The booster seatspecific recommendations.
children are safer when properly restrainedshould fit the vehicle seat and have a label
in the rear seat than in the front seat. Thiscertifying that it complies with Federal Motor
is especially important because your ve-Vehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian
hicle has a supplemental restraint systemMotor Vehicle Safety Standard 213. Once
(Air bag system) for the front passenger.the child has grown so the shoulder belt is
See ‘‘Supplemental restraint system’’ ear-nolonger on or near the face and neck, use
lier in this section. the shoulder belt without the booster seat.
1-20 Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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