owners manual Chevrolet Spark
owners manual Chevrolet Spark - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Spark, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Chevrolet Spark Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-5853490) -Black plate (44,1)
2014 - crc - 9/3/13
10-44 Vehicle Care
The TPMSmalfunction indicator isSeeRadioFrequencyStatementon locatedonthe instrument cluster.
combined with the low tire pressurepage 13-15. If the warning light comes on, stop
telltale. When the system detects a as soon as possible and inflate the
malfunction, the telltale will flash forTire Pressure Monitortires to the recommended pressure
approximately one minute and thenOperation shownontheTire and Loading
remain continuously illuminated. Information label. SeeVehicle Load
This sequence will continue uponThis vehicle may have a TireLimits on page 9-9.
subsequent vehicle start-ups asPressure Monitor System (TPMS).The low tire pressure warning light
long as the malfunction exists.The TPMSisdesignedto warn thecomesonateachdrive cycle until
Whenthemalfunction indicator isdriver when a low tire pressurethe tires are inflated to the correct
illuminated, the system may not becondition exists. TPMS sensors areinflation pressure.
able to detect or signal low tiremounted onto each tire and wheel
pressure as intended. TPMSassembly, excluding the spare tireThe low tire pressure warning light
malfunctions may occur for a variety and wheel assembly. The TPMSmaycomeonincoolweatherwhen
of reasons, including the installation sensors monitor the air pressure inthe vehicle is first started, and then
of replacement or alternate tires orthe tires and transmit the tireturn off as the vehicle is driven. This
wheels on the vehicle that preventpressure readings to a receivercould be an early indicator that the
the TPMS from functioning properly. located in the vehicle.air pressure is getting low and must
Always check the TPMS malfunction be inflated to the proper pressure.
telltale after replacing one or more ATire and Loading Information label
tires or wheels on your vehicle to shows the size of the original
ensure that the replacement or equipment tires and the correct
alternate tires and wheels allow the inflation pressure for the tires when
TPMStocontinueto function they are cold. SeeVehicle Load
properly. Limits on page 9-9, for an example
SeeTire Pressure Monitor Whenalowtirepressure conditionof the Tire and Loading Information
Operation on page 10-44. is detected, the TPMS illuminateslabel and its location. Also seeTire
the low tire pressure warning lightPressure on page 10-42.

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year of production from: 2009

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Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual
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