owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
TEXTMESSAGING 4. The system will provide a list of available● “No”
commandsinorder to determine the recipi-● “Whereareyou?”
WARNING ent of the text message. Choose from the
● Laws in some jurisdictions may restrictfollowing: ● “When?”
the use of “Text-to-Speech”. Check local● To (a name) To send one of the custom messages, say
regulations before using this feature.● Enter Number “CustomMessages”.Ifmorethanonecustom
● Laws in some jurisdictions may restrict messageisstored, the system will prompt for
theuseofsomeoftheapplicationsand● Missed Calls the number of the desired custom message.
features, such as social networking and● Incoming Calls Foradditionalinformationonsettingandman-
texting. Check local regulations for any agingcustom text messages, refer to
requirements. ● Outgoing Calls “Bluetooth® settings”in this section.
● Use the text messaging feature afterFor additional information about these op-Reading a received text message:
stoppingyourvehicleinasafelocation.tions, refer to “Voice commands”in this sec-1. Press thebutton on the steering
If you have to use the feature whiletion. wheel.
driving, exercise extreme caution at all
times so full attention may be given to5. Once a recipient is chosen, the system2. Say “Phone”after the tone.
vehicle operation. prompts for which message to send. Nine3. Say “Read Text”after the tone.
● Ifyouareunabletodevotefullattentionpredefined messages are available as well
tovehicleoperationwhileusingthetextas three custom messages. To choose oneThe text message, sender and delivery time are
messagingfeature,pullofftheroadtoaof the predefined messages, speak one ofshown on the screen. Use the tuning switch to
safe location and stop your vehicle.the following after the tone:scroll through all text messages if more than one
The system allows for the sending and receiving● “Driving, can’t text”are available. Press thebutton to exit the
of text messages through the vehicle interface.● “Call me”text message screen. Press thebutton to
access the following options for replying to the
Sending a text message: ● “Onmyway” text message:
1. Pressthebuttononthesteeringwheel.● “Running late” ● Call Back
2. Say “Phone”after the tone.● “Okay” Speak this command to call the sender of
the text message using the Bluetooth®
3. Say “Send Text”after the tone.● “Yes” Hands-Free Phone System.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-91

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