owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving
2. OpОn thО USB input tОrminal covОr (A) in
MoНОl namО ConНition
thО Пloor consolО boб.
StoragО capacitв oП 256
USB mОmorв НОvicО
MbвtОs or morО
iPoН touch* F/W VОr.1.1.1 or latОr
iPoН classic* F/W VОr.1.0 or latОr
iPoН (ПiПth gОnОration)*F/W VОr.1.2.2 or latОr
iPoН nano (ПiПth gОnОra-
F/W VОr.1.2 or latОr
iPoН nano (sОconН gОn-
F/W VОr.1.1.2 or latОr
MoНОls othОr than USB Digital auНio plaвОr sup-
mОmorв НОvicОs anН porting mass storagО
Keep the lid of the floor console box
iPoНs class
3. ConnОct thО Dock connОctor (C) to thО iPoН
closed while driving the vehicle. A lid or
the contents of the floor console box
*: “iPoН touch,” “iPoН classic,” “iPoН” anН “iPoН
could otherwise cause injuries.
nano” arО rОgistОrОН traНОmarks oП ApplО Inc. in
thО UnitОН StatОs anН othОr countriОs.
WhОn closing thО Пloor consolО boб, bО carО-NOTE
Пul not to trap thО connОctor cablО.
5 DОpОnНing on thО tвpО oП thО USB mОmorв
НОvicО or othОr НОvicО connОctОН, thО connОc-
5. To rОmovО thО Dock connОctor, turn thО igni- tОН НОvicО maв not Пunction propОrlв or thО
tion sаitch to thО “LOCK” position or put availablО Пunctions maв bО limitОН.
thО opОration moНО in OFF Пirst anН pОrПorm UsО thО iPoН аhosО ПirmаarО has bООn upНa-
thО installation stОps in rОvОrsО. tОН to thО latОst vОrsion.
You can chargО вour iPoН bв connОcting it to
thО USB input tОrminal аhОn thО ignition
Types of connectable devices and sup-
sаitch or thО opОration moНО is in ON or ACC.
ported file specifications
NOTE Do not kООp вour USB mОmorв НОvicО or
UsО a gОnuinО Dock connОctor Пrom ApplО iPoН in вour vОhiclО.
Device types
Inc. It is rОcommОnНОН that вou back up ПilОs in
E00762300188 l
casО oП Нata НamagО.
DОvicОs oП thО Пolloаing tвpОs can bО connОctОН.
4. ConnОct thО Dock connОctor (C) to thО USB
input tОrminal (D).
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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