owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 2002 - 2011:
Customer Assistance and Information263
Engine oil and filter changesService record retentionService costs
Changing the engine oil and filter is required It is the owner’s responsibility to retain ser-Dealer pricing practices and labor for ser-
at every service point. Use only a Saab vice records. If possible, you should keep vice work vary. Saab’s recommended ser-
approved long-life oil filter and engine oils copies of all shop work orders for all service vice times for each service point do not
meeting the SAE viscosity ratings and API and repairs, whenever performed. As indi-include the labor required to replace wear
service classifications stated in the “Techni-cated in the new car and emission control items, such as wiper blades, brake pads or
cal data” section of this Owner’s Manual. system warranties, it is important to docu-tires. Nor is labor to perform other service or
The use of extra additives in the oil is not ment that all necessary maintenance has repairs found to be necessary as a result of
necessary and is not recommended, and been done.the inspections included in these times.
may be harmful to turbochargers. Additional labor and parts will be charged
More frequent oil changes are recom-HOW THE SERVICE RECORD IS ORGA-for such work when necessary, except as
mended if your vehicle is operated under NIZEDcovered under an applicable Saab warranty
any of the following conditions:The service record is comprised of a series or any optional extended service contract.
• Most trips are less than 5–10 miles (8–of coupons on which to record services as Transmission fluid changes or suspension
16 km). This is particularly important they are performed. There are additional alignment, when necessary, are also addi-
when outside temperatures are below coupons for documenting extra engine oil tional.
freezing. and filter changes, extra automatic trans-Dealer charges for general shop material,
• Most trips include extensive idling mission fluid services necessary for severe regulated hazardous waste removal, recy-
(frequent stop-and-go traffic).service conditions, and brake fluid changes.cling expenses or other operation costs may
also be applied to service and repair
• Most trips are through dusty areas (such HOW TO USE THE SERVICE RECORD invoices and are apt to vary by dealer and
as construction zones).COUPONS location.
• If the vehicle is used for delivery service, When the car is brought to a Saab dealer for
police, taxi or other commercial applica-scheduled maintenance, present the War-
tions. ranties & Service Record Booklet to the ser-
If your driving habits match this description, vice manager. When the technician has
have the engine oil and filter changed in- completed the service, the technician will
between normal services. These conditions sign the maintenance record. The person
cause the engine oil to break down faster. responsible for quality assurance at the
The Warranties and Service Record Book-dealership will also sign and stamp the
let has provisions to record extra oil record with the dealer identification stamp.

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year of production from: 2002

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Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual
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