owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
radiator drain plugj, and then re- 5. Remove the dipstick again and check
move the radiator filler cap j. theoillevel.ItshouldbebetweentheH
andLmarks 1 .Iftheoillevelisbelow
O Becareful not to allow coolant to con- j
the L mark 2 , remove the oil filler cap
tact drive belts. j
O Waste coolant must be disposed of opening.Donotoverfill 3 .
properly. Check your local regula- 6. Recheckoillevelwiththedipstick.
2. Close the radiator drain plug securely It is normal to add some oil between oil
after the coolant is drained. maintenanceintervalsorduringthebreak-
in period, depending on the severity of op-
3. Fill the radiator slowly with the proper erating conditions.
mixture of antifreeze solution and
demineralized water/distilled water. CAUTION
Fill the reservoir tank up to the MAX SDI1645
level. Then install the radiator filler Oil level should be checked regularly. Oper-
cap. CHECKING ENGINE OIL LEVEL ating the engine with an insufficient amount
4. Start the engine and warm it up until 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and of oil can damage the engine, and such dam-
it reaches normal operating tempera- apply the parking brake. ageisnotcoveredbywarranty.
ture. Then race the engine two or
three times under no load. Watch the 2. Run the engine until it reaches operat-
engine coolant temperature gauge for ing temperature.
signs of overheating. 3. Turn off the engine.Wait more than
5. Stop the engine.After it completely 15 minutes for the oil to drain back
cools down,refill the radiator up to into the oil pan.
the filler opening. Fill the reservoir A
tank up to the MAX level. 4. Remove the dipstickj and wipe it
clean. Reinsert it all the way, so the
6. Check the drain plug for any sign of circle of the dipstick handle faces the
leakage. vehicle front.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-11
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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