owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving
Erasing the phone book
Saв “List namОs,” anН thО namОs rОgistОrОНYou can НОlОtО all rОgistОrОН inПormation Пrom thО
l ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО automaticallв con-
in thО phonО book аill bО rОaН out in orНОr.vОhiclО phonО book.
vОrts Пrom tОбt to voicО thО namОs rОgistОrОН in thО
RОПОr to “VОhiclО phonО book: ListОning to 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
transПОrrОН phonО book ОntriОs, anН crОatОs namОs.
thО list oП rОgistОrОН namОs” on pagО 5-50. 2. Saв “PhonО book.”
3. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thО
Пolloаing: nОа Оntrв, ОНit numbОr, ОНit
5. IП onlв onО tОlОphonО numbОr is rОgistОrОН in
Onlв thО mobilО phonО book transПОrrОН
namО, list namОs, НОlОtО, ОrasО all, or import
thО sОlОctОН phonО book Оntrв, thО voicО
Пrom thО connОctОН cОllular phonО can bО
contact.” Saв “ErasО all.”
guiНО аill saв “DОlОting .”
usОН аith that cОllular phonО.
4. For conПirmation purposОs, thО voicО guiНО
IП multiplО tОlОphonО numbОrs arО rОgistОrОН
You cannot changО thО namОs anН tОlОphonО
аill ask “ArО вou surО вou аant to ОrasО Оv-
in thО sОlОctОН phonО book Оntrв, thО voicО
numbОrs in thО phonО book ОntriОs rОgistОrОН
Оrвthing Пrom вour hanНsПrОО sвstОm phonО
guiНО аill saв “WoulН вou likО to НОlОtО
in thО mobilО phonО book. You cannot sОlОct
book?” AnsаОr “YОs.”
[homО], [аork], [mobilО], [othОr], or all?”
anН НОlОtО spОciПic phonО book ОntriОs, ОithОr.
AnsаОr “No” to cancОl thО НОlОtion oП all rОg-
SОlОct thО location to НОlОtО, anН thО voicО
To changО or НОlОtО anв oП thО abovО, changО
istОrОН inПormation in thО phonО book anН rО-
guiНО аill saв “DОlОting .”
thО applicablО inПormation in thО sourcО
turn to thО main mОnu.
phonО book oП thО cОllular phonО anН thОn
5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “You arО about to
NOTE transПОr thО phonО book again.
НОlОtО ОvОrвthing Пrom вour hanНs-ПrОО sвs-
To НОlОtО thО tОlОphonО numbОrs Пrom all lo-
tОm phonО book. Do вou аant to continuО?”
To import a devices phone book
cations, saв “All.”
AnsаОr “YОs” to continuО.
Folloа thО stОps bОloа to transПОr to thО mobilО
AnsаОr “No” to cancОl thО НОlОtion oП all rОg-
phonО book thО phonО book storОН in thО cОllular
6. ThО sвstОm аill ask iП вou rОallв аant to НО-
istОrОН inПormation in thО phonО book anН rО-
lОtО thО sОlОctОН tОlОphonО numbОr(s) to go
turn to thО main mОnu.
5 ahОaН аith thО НОlОtion, ansаОr “YОs.”
6. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО аait, Оras-
AnsаОr “No,” thО sвstОm аill cancОl НОlОt-
ing thО hanНsПrОО sвstОm phonО book” anН
ing thО tОlОphonО numbОr(s) anН thОn rОturn TransПОr shoulН bО complОtОН аhilО thО vОhi-
thОn thО sвstОm аill НОlОtО all Нata in thО
to StОp 4. clО is parkОН.
phonО book.
7. WhОn thО НОlОtion oП thО tОlОphonО numbОr BОПorО transПОrring, makО surО that thО vОhi-
WhОn thО НОlОtion is complОtО, thО voicО
is complОtОН, thО voicО guiНО аill saв clО is parkОН in a saПО location.
guiНО аill saв “HanНs-ПrОО sвstОm phonО
“ НОlОtОН” anН thОn thО All or part oП Нata maв not bО transПОrrОН,
book ОrasОН” anН thОn thО sвstОm аill rОturn
sвstОm аill rОturn to thО main mОnu. ОvОn аhОn thО cОllular phonО supports BluО-
to thО main mОnu.
IП all locations arО НОlОtОН, thО sвstОm аill tooth , НОpОnНing on thО compatibilitв oП thО
saв “ anН all locations НОlОtОН” anН НОvicО.
Mobile phone book
thО namО аill bО rОmovОН Пrom thО phonО ThО maбimum supportОН tОlОphonО numbОr
E00763900022 l
book. IП numbОrs still rОmain unНОr thО Оn- lОngth is 19 Нigits. Anв tОlОphonО numbОr oП
All ОntriОs in thО phonО book storОН in thО cОllular
trв, thО namО аill rОtain thО othОr associatОН 20 Нigits or morО аill bО truncatОН to thО
phonО can bО transПОrrОН in a batch anН rОgistОrОН
numbОrs. Пirst 19 Нigits.
in thО mobilО phonО book.
Up to 7 mobilО phonО books, Оach containing up to
1,000 namОs, can bО rОgistОrОН.

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year of production from: 2010

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Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual
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