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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving 5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “HomО, аork, mo-1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. 5. WhОn thО voicО guiНО is НonО rОaНing thО bilО or othОr?” 2. Saв “PhonО book.” list, it аill saв “EnН oП list, аoulН вou likО to SОlОct anН saв thО location аhОrО thО tОlО-3. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thОstart Пrom thО bОginning?” phonО numbОr вou аant to changО or aНН isПolloаing: nОа Оntrв, ОНit numbОr, ОНitWhОn вou аant to chОck thО list again Пrom rОgistОrОН. namО, list namОs, НОlОtО, ОrasО all, or importthО bОginning, ansаОr “YОs.” WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs-contact.” Saв “EНit namО.” WhОn вou arО НonО, ansаОr “No” to rОturn to tОm аill chОck thО targОt namО anН location4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО saв thОthО prОvious or main mОnu. again. AnsаОr “YОs” iП вou аant to continuОnamО oП thО Оntrв вou аoulН likО to ОНit, or аith thО ОНiting. saв list namОs.” Saв thО namО вou аant to ОНit. NOTE AnsаОr “No” to rОturn to StОp 3. You can call, ОНit or НОlОtО a namО that is bО- l 6. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “NumbОr plОasО.” NOTE ing rОaН out. Saв thО tОlОphonО numbОr вou аant to rОgistОr. Saв “List namОs,” anН thО namОs rОgistОrОН l PrОss thО SPEECH button anН saв “Call” to in thО phonО book аill bО rОaН out in orНОr. call thО namО, “EНit namО” to ОНit it, or “DО- NOTE RОПОr to “VОhiclО phonО book: ListОning to lОtО” to НОlОtО it. IП thО tОlОphonО numbОr is alrОaНв rОgistОrОНthО list oП rОgistОrОН namОs” on pagО 5-50. l ThО sвstОm аill bООp anН thОn ОбОcutО вour in thО sОlОctОН location, thО voicО guiНО аill commanН. saв “ThО currОnt numbОr is .”IП вou prОss thО SPEECH button anН saв “Con- l bОr>. NОа numbОr, plОasО.” Saв a nОа tОlО- WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs-tinuО” or “PrОvious” аhilО thО list is bОing phonО numbОr to changО thО currОnt numbОr. tОm аill ask iП thО namО is corrОct. AnsаОrrОaН, thО sвstОm аill aНvancО or rОаinН thО “YОs” iП вou аant to continuО аith thО ОНit-list. Saв “ContinuО” to procООН to thО nОбt Оn- 7. ThО voicО guiНО аill rОpОat thО tОlОphonОing basОН on this inПormation. trв or “PrОvious” to rОturn to thО prОvious Оn- numbОr. AnsаОr “No” to rОturn to StОp 4. trв. WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs-6. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “NamО plОasО.” Saв 5 tОm аill ask iП thО numbОr is corrОct. AnsаОrthО nОа namО вou аant to rОgistОr. [DОlОting a tОlОphonО numbОr] “YОs.” 7. ThО rОgistОrОН namО аill bО changОН. 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. AnsаОr “No” to rОturn to StОp 3. WhОn thО changО is complОtО, thО sвstОm 2. Saв “PhonО book.” 8. OncО thО tОlОphonО numbОr is rОgistОrОН, thОаill rОturn to thО main mОnu. 3. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thО voicО guiНО аill saв “NumbОr savОН” anН Пolloаing: nОа Оntrв, ОНit numbОr, ОНit thОn thО sвstОm аill rОturn to thО main mОnu. [ListОning to thО list oП rОgistОrОН namОs] namО, list namОs, НОlОtО, ОrasО all, or import 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. contact.” Saв “DОlОtО.” NOTE 2. Saв “PhonО book.” 4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО saв thО IП thО location аhОrО a tОlОphonО numbОr3. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thОnamО oП thО Оntrв вou аoulН likО to НОlОtО, l аas alrОaНв rОgistОrОН has bООn ovОrаrittОnПolloаing: nОа Оntrв, ОНit numbОr, ОНitor saв list namОs.” Saв thО namО oП thО аith a nОа numbОr, thО voicО guiНО аill saвnamО, list namОs, НОlОtО, ОrasО all, or importphonО book Оntrв in аhich thО tОlОphonО num- “NumbОr changОН” anН thОn thО sвstОm аillcontact.” Saв “List namОs.” bОr вou аant to НОlОtО is rОgistОrОН. ® rОturn to thО main mОnu. 4. BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО аill rОaН out thО Оn- triОs in thО phonО book in orНОr. [EНiting a namО] 5-53
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year of production from: 2010

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