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owners manual Nissan Micra

owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN

Document: pdf (3.37 MB) 293 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
7 The word “radial” TYPESOFTIRES Summertires  The word “radial” is shown if the tire hasWARNING NISSANspecifiessummertiresonsomemodels radial structure. to provide superior performance on dry roads. ● When changing or replacing tires, beSummer tire performance is substantially re- 8 Manufacturer or brand name sure all four tires are of the same typeducedinsnowandice.Summertiresdonothave  Manufacturer or brand name is shown.(i.e., Summer, All Season or Snow) andthe tire traction rating “M&S”on the tire sidewall. construction. A NISSAN dealer may be Other Tire-related TerminologyabletohelpyouwithinformationaboutIf you plan to operate your vehicle in snowy or icy tiretype,size,speed rating andconditions, NISSAN recommends the use of In addition to the many terms that areavailability. SNOW tires or ALL SEASON tires on all four defined throughout this section, Intended● Replacement tires may have a lowerwheels. OutboardSidewallis(1)thesidewallthatspeed rating than the factory equippedSnowtires containsawhitewall,bearswhiteletteringtires, and may not match the potentialIf snow tires are needed, it is necessary to select or bears manufacturer, brand, and/ormaximum vehicle speed. Never exceedtires equivalent in size and load rating to the model name molding that is higher orthe maximumspeedrating of the tire.original equipment tires. If you do not, it can deeper than the same molding on the● For additional information regardingadversely affect the safety and handling of your other sidewall of the tire, or (2) the out-tires, refer to “Tire Safety Information”vehicle. ward facing sidewall of an asymmetrical(Canada) in the Warranty InformationGenerally, snow tires have lower speed ratings Booklet. than factory equipped tires and may not match tire that has a particular side that mustAll season tiresthe potential maximum vehicle speed. Never ex- always face outward when mounted on a ceed the maximum speed rating of the tire. vehicle. NISSANspecifiesAllSeasontiresonsomemod-If you install snow tires, they must be the same els to provide good performance all year, includ-size, brand, construction and tread pattern on all ing snowy and icy road conditions. All Seasonfour wheels. tires are identified by ALL SEASON and/or M&S onthetire sidewall. Snow tires have better snowForadditionaltraction on icy roads, studded tires traction than All Season tires and may be moremay be used. However, some Canadian prov- appropriate in some areas. inces prohibit their use. Check local, state and provincial laws before installing studded tires. Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-39
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year of production from: 2013

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